Page 61 of Dark of Night

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His lion purred happily – Wes honestly wasn’t sure if it was the offer of the quickie or the idea of Chase being torn apart that made him happy – and then pushed him to mark Eleanor.

“Stop it,” he said under his breath.

Eleanor leaned closer. “Stop what?”

“I was talking to my lion,” he said. “He wants me to…”

“To what?” she said.

“Mark you.” He probably shouldn’t have told her that.

Her slow and sexy smile made him want to find the nearest empty room and bury himself to the hilt in her pussy. “Is that right?”

“Yes,” he said hoarsely.

“If I let you mark me, will it stop you from trying to kill any shifter who comes near me?”

“Probably,” he said.

“Probably?” She arched an eyebrow at him and took a step closer until her breasts brushed against him. The conversation from the others dimmed to meaningless babble, and he suddenly didn’t give one fuck that they weren’t alone.

He slid his arm around her waist, pulling her up tight against him. “It will.”

She smiled up at him. “Then I guess you’d better mark me, Wesley.”

“Not here,” he said.

“I guess it is a bit crowded,” she said with another one of those sexy smiles. “Come upstairs to the spare bedroom.”

“No.” He studied her mouth and then her tits. “I’ll mark you at my house.”

He knew once he started marking her, he wouldn’t stop until she was naked. Until she was on her back with her legs spread wide and her hands buried in his hair as he ate her out. He wanted to taste her pussy so bad, his mouth was fucking watering.

Hesitation crossed her face, and that sexy smile faltered. “I thought it might be best if I stay with Daisy and Cooper tonight.”

“No,” he said.

“Wes, if I go home with you,” she looked around and lowered her voice, “if I go home with you, I won’t be able to stop from, uh, doing things to you.”

“What kind of things?” he said.

She blushed but said, “Mouth things.”

“That’s quite the coincidence because I planned on doing… mouth things to you,” he said.

His lion purred at the scent of her lust. Her sexy vixen persona had disappeared, leaving his sweet and slightly awkward Eleanor again. “What kind of mouth things?”

He lowered his mouth to her ear and nipped the lobe before saying, “Licking your pussy clean of all your sweet cream, sucking on your clit until you’re begging me to let you come.”

“Wes,” Eleanor said in a soft moan. “Wes, please, I -”

“Hey! Get a room, you two.”

Wes lifted his head, staring blankly at Cooper, who grinned at them from across the room.

“I know it’s your birthday party, but I have a strict no nudity rule in the living room,” Cooper said.

Eleanor blushed as the others laughed, and Cooper’s grin widened. Wes took Eleanor’s hand, tugging her toward the door. “Good night, everyone. Thank you for a wonderful party.”
