Page 1 of Secret Love

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What would Fox do?

I ask myself again as I stare down the barrel of a gun. If Fox were here now, what would he do? Would he stand and fight? Would he grab the rifle and hope the agent holding it isn’t too trigger happy?

Would he raise his hands and surrender, willing to fight another day?

In the end, I do nothing. I lie still with tears and smoke in my eyes. There’s blood on my hands, but I’m not sure if it’s mine. I feel pain. I hear Sofia screaming. I see Lucy punch a man in the jaw, but another agent comes in behind her and quickly overpowers her.

I wonder where it all went wrong. I wonder if I could have done something to stop this from happening.

Snake Eyes.

That’s where it all went wrong.

The rifle barrel digs into my cheek. “On your knees!” the agent shouts at me, his voice muffled through a black mask.

I look up into his eyes. They’re brownish-black and eager, almost like he enjoys this. I wonder where he came from and who he used to be before he was recruited. What sort of life did he leave behind? Did he have a family? Friends? A lover?

“I said, get up!”

Somehow, I roll over and push off the floor. My white dress catches beneath my knees as I try to stand.

The agent lunges at me and impatiently yanks me up onto my feet. “Move,” he says, digging the rifle into my side.

I march forward. I raise my hands and surrender, but I know deep down that there will be no fighting this another day. I look around the ravaged casino floor through a veil of tears. Painful dread takes over my heart and there’s nothing I can do about it this time.

No. This isn’t Snake Eyes’ fault.

It’s mine.

I fell in love with Fox Fitzpatrick.

That’s where it all went wrong.
