Page 125 of Secret Love

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“Of course.”

He pushes down on his desk to stand up from his chair and pauses with a look of dread on his face — but not because of me. “She won’t like this,” he says dryly.

“I trust you’ll convince her it’s the right thing to do.” I look at the frame once more and then gaze along the subtle curve of her hip. “She seems the reasonable sort.”

His brow bounces. “Do you have a daughter of your own, Mr. Hart?”


“I figured…” he mutters, pushing his fingers back through his thin, graying hair. “Young girls… they aren’t like they used to be, you know.” He walks across the office and pulls the door open while I wonder what he means. “I’ll go get her. You stay here—” He spins around quickly and offers an apologetic smile. “If you don’t mind.”

I say nothing in response. Finally, he leaves, closing the door behind him with a quick jerking motion, eager to put as many walls between the two of us as possible.

The innocent ballerina gazes back at me from her frame. I can already imagine her beneath me. Wide-eyed and trembling. Small and lithe. Pure as freshly fallen snow…

Until I’m through with her, that is.

My phone vibrates once. I retrieve it from the inner pocket of my jacket. There’s a new text message. Sender unknown, but I know who it’s from.

Black has gone dark. Await further instructions.

I bite down, hard.

Dammit, Fox.

What did you do?

* * *
