Page 34 of Secret Love

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Chapter 13



Iopen my locker and promptly shove my head inside. It’s a common between-classes ritual nowadays. Thank god junior year is almost over. Then, just one more year in this hellhole of a school.

“Hey, Fox.”

I raise my head and turn to find the girl lingering behind me. “Oh. Hey, Trudy,” I say.

She giggles and bites her lip. “You look tired.”


I look into my locker for my Algebra II book. Or is it Spanish next?

“Do you have plans for the weekend?” she asks. “‘Cuz I was thinking we could go see a movie on Friday… and not watch it.”

I breathe a laugh and glance at her over my shoulder. Before I can answer with a definitive yes, please, something bolts through my peripheral vision. Something short, blonde, and… crying?

Dani Roberts zigzags around people in the hall and rushes straight for the ladies’ room with tears in her eyes, some already streaming down her face.

“Um…” I pause, suddenly forgetting everything Trudy just said as my curiosity takes hold. “What?”

Trudy raises a brow. “I said, I was thinking that we could—”

Dani throws open the bathroom door and runs into a few girls coming out. They instantly burst out laughing and make a few mock-sobbing gestures as Dani disappears inside. I definitely wasn’t seeing things.

Something is wrong with Little Miss Perfect.

“Fox. Hello?”

I glare at Trudy. “I don’t know,” I say.

“You don’t know?”

“Yeah, I’ve gotta run.”

I close my locker and step around her sagging jaw to follow Dani’s trail. I don’t bother checking for witnesses before yanking the door open and walking straight into the ladies’ bathroom. The constant hum of teens walking and talking fades off as the door closes, leaving nothing but a soft sniffling noise coming from the center stall.

I walk down the line to check the other stalls. All empty.

“Hey, Dani,” I say.

She gasps. “Fox?”

“What’s wrong?”

“What are you doing in here?!” she asks. “This is the girls’ room!”

“Apparently, it’s the crying room. What’s up?”

“Nothing. Go away!”

I hop up to sit on the counter and wait in silence for several seconds.

“Are you still here?” she finally asks.
