Page 40 of Secret Love

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“Can I read it?” I ask, curiosity piquing.

“No one can,” he says, his lips twitching with amusement at my excited eyes. “Not without the right decryption.” I sit back in disappointment. “Anyway, I made contact with the Russians, laid down arms, and I gave one copy of the file to him in exchange for safe passage back to the states.”

“That sounds really freakin’ dangerous,” I say. “You’re lucky he didn’t shoot you.”

“He did, actually.” I tilt my head in shock and he smiles again. “We had to make my disappearance look convincing so that later when Mercer tracked my whereabouts, he’d find my blood and figure I was taken out and disposed of. It was just a graze, nothing too horrible.” He runs a pointed finger along his bicep. “The Russians were supposed to use that file to make Snake Eyes disappear.”

“Why would they do that?”

“The family had some unfinished business with the organization,” he says, keeping it vague. “After a few hiccups, he sent me packing with a bandaged arm and a bit of money.”


“It’s a long story,” he says. “But it ends with me making it back here.”

“How long have you been home?”

“Six months.”

Six months.

He’s been back here for half a year now and he never said a word.

“Dani, I couldn’t go back to LA,” he says, reading my eyes.

“Why not?”

“Because if Mercer ever realized I was still alive, he’d go after my family first.” He looks at my cheek. “Looks like I was right about that.”

“How did he find out?”

“I’m not sure…” He runs his fingers through his beard and scratches an itch. “I’m guessing the Russian’s plan didn’t go so well.”

“So, he finds out you’re still alive and he comes after me,” I say. “Why?”

He takes a breath. “He knew how I’d react.” I say nothing, waiting for him to explain. “Mercer was… well, friend might be too strong a word, but I guess it qualifies.”

“You were friends with the asshole who shot Lamb and cut up my face?”

“You make some interesting acquaintances when you work in an underground assassination squad,” he jokes.

I don’t laugh. “So, he knows that you and I… have history?”

“Yeah,” he says, shifting on his toes. “Anyway, I know someone who can probably decrypt my copy of the file.”


“He’s the best chance we have. Hopefully, I can use it as a bargaining chip with whoever can solve this Snake Eyes problem so I can take you back home.”

Home. Back to movie sets and the paparazzi.

“Get some sleep,” he says. “We have a long drive ahead of us.”

I glance around. “There’s only one bed…”

“I’ll take the floor.”
