Page 74 of Secret Love

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“They’re already here,” he says, eying the security cameras. “If you’ve got an escape route, I suggest you take it thirty seconds ago.”

“Dani—”I reach behind me and pull my revolver from my belt.

Boxcar blinks. “Is that Caleb’s Smith and Wesson?” he asks, staring at it.


“How the hell did you convince her to lend that out?”

My fingers tingle with warmth as I inspect the loaded chamber and flick the safety off. “Get out of here, Box.”

He reaches into his suitcase and pulls out his own pistol. “Fox, I can help you.”

“No—”I shake my head. “If I get you killed, she’ll never let me hear the end of it.” He opens his mouth to argue. “Go. Now!”

Boxcar slips his gun into his belt behind his back and leans over his laptop again. “They have a chopper on the roof — wouldn’t surprise me if they’re in the lobby, too—”

“Box, what are you—”

The fire alarm cries out and he slams his laptop closed. “That should buy you some time.”

I grin. “A-plus, Boxcar.”

He throws the laptop into this briefcase and shuts it tight. “And my father told me I’d never amount to anything.”

I throw the door open and step out into the hallway. Others already linger in the halls, their faces full of confusion amid the flashing lights. We rush around them toward the stairwell and I shove the door open.

“Sneak down with the others and get out of town,” I tell Boxcar.

“You kidding?” he quips. “After tonight, I’m getting out of the country.”

“Even better.” I shake his hand. “Take care of yourself, Box.”

“Go get her.”

I smirk. “You, too.”

He scoffs. “You just had to get in one more—”


I lay a hand on his shoulder and push him away. He takes off down the stairs, following a line of scared people, as I move in the opposite direction. I have eleven flights to climb.

Dani, don’t move.

I push up the stairs, ignoring the thumping in my chest telling me to slow down and breathe as I ascend higher and higher. People press themselves against the wall to let me pass, some faster than others depending on whether they notice the gun in my hand. I bite down in frustration.

Dani, I’m almost there.


They fire angry glances at me, but I don’t care. I push them out of the way until I reach the 26th floor.

I throw open the door and I see her standing in the hallway.

I freeze. “Dani…”

Tears bleed from her eyes. Mercer presses the barrel of a gun against her head — the Glock I let her have. She cringes in his arms as he digs the barrel in a little deeper.
