Page 89 of Secret Love

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I chuckle. “So, I stumbled upon a very important piece of information.”

“What’s that?”

My lips curl. “You watch my movies.”

He sighs. “Dani, I told you I haven’t.”

I raise an eyebrow. “Then, how did you know about the big chase at the end of Night Trials, Part 2?”

“It was in the trailer,” he claims. “You couldn’t turn on the television for weeks without seeing it.”

“Yeah, in May 2014.” I chuckle. “Did you watch a lot of American television while you were overseas?”

He hesitates. “That’s not—”

“Did I hear someone say Night Trials?” Mrs. Clark wanders back into the room with a teacup in her hand.

Fox deflates and closes his eyes. “She can’t hear the television from five feet away — but she hears that?”

I fight my laughter.

“Oh, I loved those movies, honey! We were on the edge of our seats, weren’t we, Fox?” She offers him the cup while I meet his eyes with a devious grin.

He says nothing, embarrassed by her unintentional betrayal.

“I’m happy you enjoyed them, Mrs. Clark,” I say, still glaring at him as he hides behind his teacup.

“I can’t wait for the third one,” she says. “When does it come out?”

“We just finished the last re-shoots. It’s scheduled to come out in June.”

“Oh, thank the maker,” she says. “I thought I was going to die before I saw how it all ends.”

“You’ll outlive us all, old lady,” Fox says. “Don’t you worry about that.”

“Keep bringing home wounds like that and I’m inclined to agree with you, kid. You hungry?”

“No, not really,” he answers.

She taps his good shoulder and spins around. “Well, I’m going to hit the sack. It’s gotten a bit late for me. It was a pleasure talking to you today, Dani.”

“The pleasure was all mine, Mrs. Clark.”

“I’ll see you kids in the morning.”

“Goodnight,” Fox says as she walks toward her room in the back.

His eyes linger on the floor between us, purposefully avoiding mine. He’s probably still a little embarrassed that I caught him in his lie, but I won’t tease him about it anymore.

My thoughts turn dark. There’s something that’s plagued me since the moment his bullet struck the masked man in my stairwell. Mercer’s words at the hotel just made it worse.

“Fox, how do you do it?”

He looks up at me. “Do what?”

I rub my hands against my knees to dry the sweat. “How do you kill someone and be completely normal ten minutes later?”

His eyes go soft, but he doesn’t even blink. “Like all skills, it takes practice.” He sets the teacup down. “Are you okay?”
