Page 96 of Secret Love

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Chapter 31


Dani. My beautiful Dani.

Even while she’s sleeping.

I don’t have to worry about accidentally waking her. Being stealthy has always come naturally for me. The question is whether I should.

She won’t be happy either way. If I wake her to say goodbye, she’ll try to stop me from leaving. I can’t guarantee I’ll go after that. It’s hard enough watching her sleep knowing it’s the last time I ever will. If she opens her eyes right now and tears fall out, I’ll lose sight of what really matters. A life with me is no life at all. It’s a death wish.

I’ll let her sleep.

I put on a suit and drop the flash drive into my pocket. It sits there, burning a hole like a lit cigarette — but I suppose a stick of dynamite is a more accurate comparison. In an hour, one of the deadliest secrets on the planet will be exposed, along with anyone who knows about it. There are some big names on that list, bigger than me or Mercer or even Ronnie Lamb. They won’t be happy.

But Dani will be safe.

One last look. Her eyes twitch behind her lids. Given the last few days she’s had, I can’t be sure if it’s a good dream or a bad one. Even in darkness, her face is so bright — full of color and life. I bet I’m glowing a bit after last night, too.

One last perfect night with her. At least, I got that. At least, I got one reminder of how it feels to be inside of her and what she tastes like. Of what noises she makes when I touch her just right. What it’s like to hear her moan my name again.

At least, I have that.

Fuck. I can’t leave her yet.

I walk over to the bed and kneel beside it. She lies on her back with the comforter up to her shoulders. Her unnatural, black hair is a little messed up but that’s okay. She’s still the most beautiful woman in the world. Mercer tried to change that but even those stitches don’t do a damn thing.

I reach out to touch her, but I stop before my fingers graze her skin. I can’t risk waking her, no matter how much I want to hear her voice or look into her eyes one last time.

Dani. My beautiful Dani.

I hope you remember me the way I’ll remember you.

I step outside. The air is soft and warm. It’s the first morning so far this year that’s felt more like spring than winter. It’s almost fitting that nice weather shows up the second I enter a concrete box, but I’ve had worse luck, that’s for sure.

It’s a long drive into the city. The closer I get, the larger the rock in my gut feels. I keep her face in my mind and it shrinks a bit. I think of her smile and it gets even smaller.

The police station comes into view. I park the car on the street outside.

I inhale and exhale slowly.

This is it. This is the moment when everything changes.

The dull rumble of voices fills my ears as soon as I enter the station. Uniforms jolt around the front lobby, brushing past a desk Sergeant who looks a bit pissed off that she decided to show up to work today. Her eyes shift between a stack of paperwork and the television on the wall.

I keep my focus and walk up to the desk. “Excuse me.”

“I’ll be right with you, sir,” she mutters without a glance in my direction.

I glower, but I suppose I should enjoy my last few moments as a free man. Take a breath. Enjoy the sunlight.

The television grabs my attention, but it doesn’t keep it. I’m not too fond of twenty-four hour news networks. They just fill time and wait for the next disaster to strike. Today’s talking heads seem fixated on fire. Flames ravage an office block in…


I shift slightly, turning to get a better view. I have plenty memories of walking down that street to meet my mother for lunch.

Bennett’s office.
