Page 40 of Mad Love

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“And you kept it?”

I peek back at her and smile. “I liked it.”

She squints at me. “Give me a boost and then roll under the trailer.”



“Allen!” Enzo shouts. “You got nowhere to go…”

I ignore him and spin around, clasping my hands together as Lilah raises her foot. She steps up and I flex to push her into the air.

“Kill ‘em both!”

Lilah pulls herself onto the roof and I fall to my knees to roll under it as she told me to.

Bullets strike the dirt beside me.

“Shit, shit, shit.”

I shift to the other side to hide behind the wheels as dozens of rounds plow into the vehicle.

Enzo rushes to his car with his damn tail between his legs and jumps into the backseat to avoid the firefight. His driver follows, looking equally as pathetic as he fumbles for the keys.

I throw the door open and crawl inside the motor home, keeping my head down as I make my way toward the back for another pistol stashed beneath my mattress.

Windows shatter over my head. I shield my eyes as the glass falls, but I keep moving with my gun in hand. I raise my head to look outside, counting six men rushing in to surround us.

A bullet strikes one man from above, splattering his face with red as he topples to the ground. I cringe at the sight and the rest of them point their guns upward.

I hear her moving above me, rolling and shifting on the roof, bullets popping one after the other until only two men remain standing.

Lilah cries out and the gunfire stops.

A body drops above my head and the RV lurches as I hear her slip off and fall to the ground on the opposite side.

I rush out to find her rolling over onto her knees. She tries to stand as she cradles her right side. My chest tightens as she drops her hand, revealing her torn dress and crimson blood drips from her fingers.


“Archer, get down!”

A shot rings out from behind me. I prepare for pain, but I feel nothing as I drop to my knees. Lilah bolts forward and throws her gun over my head. The handle connects with the man’s nose. He falls back as Lilah jumps up and kicks him to the ground.

He flips onto his back and she raises her sharp heel over his neck.

I turn away before she stomps down, but I hear bones cracking beneath her foot.

The last remaining man sprints down the gravel road, racing toward Enzo’s speeding car.

Lilah grabs her gun off the ground and raises it with her left hand, aiming for only a second before firing a single shot into the back of his head.

He falls beneath a red mist of blood, his limp body sliding a bit before coming to a hard stop.

She fires several more shots at Enzo’s car, shattering the back windows before it races out of sight around the dark corner.

I push myself up. “Damn…” I scan the circle of bodies left behind and the blood dripping down her right side. “Are you all right?” I ask.
