Page 64 of Mad Love

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His eyes sparkle in the dim, golden light, but I hold it steady.

“I wanted to,” I answer.

He smiles and raises his bottle. “That’s a point for me.”

I take hold of my wineglass and bring it to my lips. Before I take a sip, I inhale through my nose to catch the various scents found in good wine.

I freeze, detecting a faint chemical lingering beneath it.


I suppose I have Elijah and his chemistry set to thank for this one.

I set the glass down without drinking it and meet Archer’s eyes across the table again.

My guts churn. All my worst fears about this man are steadily coming true.

And I have no one to blame but myself.

“Everything all right?” he asks.

“Yes,” I say quickly.

I slide my shoe off beneath the table and extend my foot to caress his calf.

Amusement strikes his cheeks. He says nothing and lets my toes crawl toward his groin.

“How about we just… continue this in my room?” I ask, gently knocking against his bulge with my big toe.

Archer bites his lip, pausing to enjoy a few hard strokes from my foot before standing up from the booth. “Lead the way,” he says.

I step back into my shoe and walk with him, casually scanning the unending sea of faces in the lobby as we move. The magazine I stashed the room key in has been turned face-down, signaling a successful pick-up.

Archer leads me to the elevator.

“You know what?” I grin. “Let’s take the scenic route.”

I pull him along with me, all the way across the lobby to the stairway. I turn my back to the door and flash him a seductive smile before pushing it open. He follows me in with just as much enthusiasm and I’m pinned to the wall before the door even closes behind us.

Archer kisses me hard. I can’t help but part my lips for him. It feels the same as it always has, as warm and tender as the night we spent together, and that just makes it worse.

Tears build behind my eyelashes as I reach behind my back and curl my fingers around the cold, hard grip of my gun. I bring it forward and press the muzzle beneath his chin.

Archer stops our kiss and sighs. “Lilah…”

“Shut up.” I put pressure on him. He takes a step back with his open hands slowly rising. “Tell me who you really are.”

He stares past the gun, ignoring it to make eye contact with me instead. “You know who I really am.”


“It’s not, love.”

“Don’t call me that.”

“It’s true,” he says. “I’m Archer Allen. MI-6 turned bounty hunter—”

“Turned Snake Eyes agent?”
