Page 127 of Rough Score

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“Ok…” I barely squeak out, not completely sure if I want to hear what she has to say.

“He didn’t leave because of the Vikings like he told you. He got deported.”

“What?!” I say, my voice louder than intended.

Most of the people in the coffee shop all rubber neck toward us. Harper gives them all a reassuring smile but I can’t take my eyes off her.

“He has a K-1 visa… he can’t be deported,” I tell her, trying to keep my voice down this time.

“That’s the thing… he doesn’t anymore.”

“I’m not following. Why would he say that in the letter he wrote me?”

I need more information and I need it right now.

“Because Amelia sent incriminating footage to the supervisor of the immigration officer who pushed you two through. Then he found out the same officer has money on the Hawkeyes winning the Stanley Cup which is why he fast tracked your application.”

“Amelia did that?”

I can’t even believe someone would do something so horrible. But then I remember that night she was in the penthouse and how she warned him he’d regret it.

"That's correct, and if karma hadn't hit her hard last month by way of cancel culture, I would hut her down and make sure the only jobs she can book is for hand modeling. Her face wouldn't be palatable for public consumption."

"Cancel culture?" I ask.

Not that I follow Amelia but I have no idea what Harper is talking about.

"You didn't hear? She faked volunteering at a soup kitchen a week after Ryker left town, and when she got called out for it, she said that the needy and homeless don't deserve her time because they don't pay for it," Harper says and then takes a sip of her coffee. "Evidently, that didn't resonate well with her audience, and she lost all million plus of her followers. Her social media account is dead and no one's booking her for modeling jobs anymore."

Whoa, that happened fast.

"That kind of thing happens?" I ask though I'm not heartbroken for her at all after what she did.

"Oh yeah. And it couldn't have happened to a better person."

My eyes drop to the table as I try to get ahold of all the information she’s telling me.

“Still, why didn’t Ryker tell me about the immigration officer and Amelia's footage?”

“From what I could pull out of him, the immigration supervisor showed up the night of the first alumni game and gave him an ultimatum.”

“What kind of ultimatum?” I ask, my eyebrows stitching together as I stare back at her.

“He had to leave in the morning and couldn’t tell anyone that he was getting deported because of the fiancé visa.”


“Ryker wouldn’t tell me. But he did say that the supervisor said that if he didn’t comply, he’d press criminal charges and you were looking at prison time.”

My stomach drops at her explanation.

I know she’s right… criminal charges against me would be steeper than deportation for Ryker but why didn’t he tell me this? And why didn’t he offer me the option to go with him?

Something is still missing.

“It still doesn’t explain why he left without giving me the option to go with him.”

She nods like this is a missing link for her too.
