Page 131 of Rough Score

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I lunge at her, picking her up into my arms and planting my lips against hers.

Her warmth—her smell, the way her body melds to mine like she was made for me.

There’s nothing in this world that is better than this.

No starting line position with an NHL team.

No championship wins.

Juliet is the only thing I won’t give up again. She’s the only thing worth fighting for.

I pull back from our kiss. It’s not an easy thing to do but I have a couple more questions.

“We’ll have to start the fiancé visa here to make you a Canadian citizen. Are you ok with that?” I ask.

“I live where you live, so yes.”

“Will you marry me?”

“We’re already married,” she says with a smile.

“In Vancouver. Will you marry me here and plan the wedding I should have given you to begin with?”

“Yes, I will.”

Now I have all the answers I need.

I turn around and head for the door.

“Where are you taking me? I need my clothes,” she says with a giggle.

“To our bed. We have two months to make up for and you won’t be wearing anything for a while.”

I walk through the door frame with Juliet’s lips back on mine.

I kick the door closed, reach back and lock it, and then I start toward the stairs.

“How long are you planning to carry me to bed?” she teases.

“Until death.”


Three years later


Being in Wisconsin for the championship game with the Vancouver Vikings is surreal. I had plans to push this team to a championship win to honor my father, but I never expected us to be here this soon.

With my wife, my mom, my siblings Jerrin, Theresa, and Felix, as well as our six-month-old daughter sitting on my mom’s lap, the only thing that would make this day any better is if my father was here to witness it all. I know somehow, he’s watching. I hope he’s proud of not just the success of the Vikings’ season, but also of the husband and father I’ve become.

I watch as the last few seconds wind down on the timer and we’re tied. We’ll go into overtime if we don’t make this goal. Our center passes the puck to our left wing, who makes it past one opposing player and quickly cuts through the ice. He’s barely down the rink, with the opposition right on his ass. He’s coming up to the goal and looking to make the shot, but the opposition comes out of nowhere, ramming him into the sideboards—an instant after he shoots the puck back to the center. Center takes possession, skating around the net and taking his shot at the last second, sinking the puck into the goal.


We won!

We won the Stanley Cup! All the Vikings players rush out onto the ice.
