Page 37 of Rough Score

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The minute I got off the ice and changed into my suit for media, I checked my phone… which was my first mistake.

I open my mom’s text because a little guilt seeps in that I didn’t give her a heads up and she watches all of my broadcasted games.

I shoot a text quickly.

Then, because I know my sister has some comments to make, I check.

I decided my sister can wait for a response.

By the time I check my phone tomorrow, she’ll have thought of a few more backhanded, witty comments. I might as well let her tire herself out first.

The amount of missed calls and texts is ridiculous and there’s no way I have time to get back to any of them until after I get home.

Going into media, no one could have prepared me for the assault of questions about Juliet, our wedding plans, and when we foresee starting a family. Eventually, Sam pulled me out as the media started fighting over getting their questions in. Tessa had to come in and put them back in their place before sending in the next player.

The second my eyes fall on Juliet wearing a number 19 jersey with her peacoat hanging on one arm and her bouquet in the other hand. She’s standing with Autumn in the hallway and I let out a breath of relief. She didn’t leave, she stayed.

I walk up to Autumn and she gives Juliet a wink and then leaves to give us a minute.

“Congrats Haynes. This one’s a keeper,” Autumn says, retreating from us.

“Yeah… she is,” I say, my eyes locked on Juliet’s.

Who else would bail out a total stranger?

“My jersey?” I ask. “When did you get this?”

I walk around to see my name printed on her back. I should be used to seeing my jersey around the stadium, but this time is different.

“Penelope asked if I had one and I told her I didn’t. She ran down and got me one as an engagement present,” Juliet says, watching me as I take her new look in. “This one actually fits.”

I grin. “Yeah, it’s better than the XXL jacket you bought last time.” Though she looked cute as hell wearing it over that bodycon dress and hells. “How did you do upstairs?” I ask with no one close enough around to hear us.

“I got the contract,” she says.

I’m relieved but not surprised to hear that Marjorie offered her the job after seeing me propose on the ice.

“I told you. The Carltons like to hire within.”

“You weren’t kidding,” she smiles. “They call seem down to earth. I kind of feel bad though because everyone seems happy that your settling down. I didn’t know what to say.”

Lying to the team and my Seattle family doesn’t feel good, but I’m doing this to keep the team together so that we can bring the Hawkeyes a Stanley Cup win at the end of this season. This isn’t my first choice but I think the means justify the ends in this case.

“Sounds like you handled it like a pro. Let’s head for the bar, we have a lot to work out,” I say and then I lead her with my hand on her back out towards the exit.

Before we walk out the exit, I take her coat and help her into it. It’s not supposed to be as cold tonight as it was the first time we met in the parking lot, but with The Commons so close, and Oakley’s only a few blocks away, I don’t drive to the stadium usually.

Walking into Oakley’s, Juliet and I are immediately congratulated by every single person inside.

I want to celebrate the win with my teammates, but Juliet and I need to talk.

“Do you like beer?” I ask over the loud bar music as we venture toward the back of the building towards the bar.

“Yeah, whatever is fine.”

I squeeze in against the thick-cut lacquered wooden top and order two beers.
