Page 91 of Rough Score

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Having her here to support me is exactly what this marriage should be about. We take turns showing up for one another and that’s how I hope things continue from now on.

A few minutes later the referee tosses the coin, and the game is on.

Chapter Twenty-One


Seeing Ryker out on the ice, playing with his family—I’ve never seen him laugh so much.

He’s in his element here and I get now why being home is so important to him. Why being without his family is so crucial to his happiness.

After every goal he makes, he skates by close to me and smacks his hockey stick against the sideboards to let me know that he sees me. Butterflies break out every time he lets me know that he’s watching me too.

As the tournament goes on, Ryker’s team continues to advance up the bracket. Depending on who they play next, we move from rink to rink to watch them, taking a break in between to stop at the snack shack with Ryker’s niece and nephews, adding the occasional potty break to mix things up.

Getting a chance to meet Sienna, Arie, and Kali—Ryker’s sisters-in-law—gives me more of a glimpse into how caring and inviting his family really is.

I have no idea how many people I met while watching the tournament. However, it felt like I barely got to see any of the games with the influx of people that Annie introduced me to.

Their excitement to see Ryker settled is heartwarming and I’m starting to see the appeal of a place that has such a loving community around it.

Annie and I wait in our spot on the bleachers at the end of the last game as visitors start to usher out to their cars in the parking lot.

Our team lost the last game by a single goal in overtime, but they played well the entire day.

The sun is settling now over the beautiful mountains, and it will be dark in less than an hour.

Finally, Ryker emerges from the bathroom after changing into jeans and boots.

“Do you want to head to the bar? It’s where all the players from today are heading and it has great BBQ. It’s sort of a tradition.”

“Sure, that sounds fun. And I could use some dinner.”

Annie and I head down off the bleaches and follow Ryker out to the parking lot.

We say our goodbyes since Annie isn’t coming to the bar and opting for a warm bath before the ‘craziness of tomorrow’.

Her words have me a little concerned since today seemed pretty crazy to me. What could tomorrow bring that requires her to take a long bath first in preparation?

We climb into the truck and then head for the bar.

“My sister will already be there, but the guys are going to meet us after they drop the wives and kids off at their houses.”

“Your family is great. I don’t think I’ve ever been around such a big family that seems so close.”

Now, seeing his family in action as they show up for one another, I have a better understanding of why being here is so important to him.

“I got lucky and I won’t take family for granted again,” he says.

I know his guilt about the time he missed with his father is still something that weighs on him heavily. But I’m sure if his father could see the legacy he left behind in his kids, he’d be proud of Ryker.

Pulling into the bar parking lot, it’s already plum full, but Ryker finds a parking spot and we head inside.

The building is free standing, with wooden sides and a rustic feeling. A set of cow long horns adorn the front door. I’m guessing this is a cowboy style bar.

And guessing by the loud country music that could be heard as far out as the parking lot, line dancing is probably in full swing.

Ryker opens the door for me and I’m assaulted by the smell of peanuts, beer and BBQ. I take a step into the dimly lit bar as Ryker takes a step in behind me.
