Page 70 of Dirty Score

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I mean that as Slade, but the truth is that I’m both, and I want to believe I know that given the chance, I can give her both.

SkatrGirlPen: Thank you. I believe you.

I put my phone on silent, drop it in my duffel bag slung over my shoulder, and then take the last few steps towards the gym door.

The second I do, Penelope jumps a little at seeing me emerge.

She was expecting me… right?

“Morning,” I say.

“Hi, good morning,” she says, pulling her hand from her chest that shot up against her heart when I startled her.

I walk over to the corner where I usually drop my duffel bag and pull the black nylon strap from my chest and drop the bag on the ground.

“Did you come prepared to work?” she asks, a playful smile across her lips.

“How hard could it be,” I tease back.

“I’m going to make you eat those words,” she says with a lifted brow.

“I’ll eat anything you tell me to.”

I prepare myself for an eye roll, but all I get is a lifted brow, and then she turns towards a Bluetooth speaker in the corner of the gym is usually streaming music or a podcast while we work out.

“Good boy,” she mutters to herself, but it’s loud enough for me to hear.

My cock heard it too and twitches in my grey sweats as I watch her hips sway side to side and her long blonde ponytail that reaches to the middle of her back swish with her movement as she makes it across the room.

She reaches the speaker, taps a few things on her phone, and then the song from yesterday starts to play through the system.

She turns back and heads for me.

I didn’t expect that lift from yesterday to be as tough as it ended up being. Now, thinking back to college, I remember seeing figure skaters practicing their lifts on the gym floor before they tested it out on the ice. They look exhausted after practice.

If I know Penelope, she's going to make me work for my position as her partner, and there is no better position than getting an excuse to keep my hands glued to her body for the next hour of practice before I have to lift weights with the guys.

She can work me as hard as she wants… she’ll never hear me complain.

“Ok, how about if we start by moving through the steps from the beginning to the end. We’ll go through the entire routine first without any lifts. Once we have that down, we’ll start working on one lift at a time.”

I like her idea of working through the routine methodically. First, we’ll get me familiar with the steps, and then we’ll tackle the harder portions.

We awkwardly dance/walk a few times through the routine since there’s no way to really mimic ice skating without actually ice skating.

Since I couldn’t find the routine in its entirety with every one of Toby’s movements, Penelope had to help me fill in the missing pieces.

“I think I’m getting it,” I say as soon as we finish the third attempt at the routine completely with very few errors.

I’ve always been a fast learner, but this is a different world, and I wasn’t sure if I could keep up.

“You’re picking it up quickly. I’m impressed.”

A smile widens across my lips just before I take a drink from the metal water bottle I left on the gym floor by my duffel bag.

“Is that a compliment?” I ask.

“You don’t totally suck… is that better?”
