Page 108 of The Ones We Hate

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“I am unfortunately catching on now,” Carter groaned. “And I swear, if you say anything more about my sister’s sex life, I will vomit.”

“Okay, buddy.” Sam cringed and patted the top of Leo’s head. “I think it’s time we get you home.”

“Noooooo!” Leo shouted. “I’m having fun.”

“You’re having a mental breakdown.” Marcos shook his head. “This is worse than that time Antonio got rip-roaring drunk when Saanvi rejected him.”

“Oh, fuck off.” Antonio shoved Marcos’ shoulder. Leo barked out a delayed laugh, remembering how Antonio had ended up falling on his face and breaking his nose that night.

“One mo’ shot!” Leo raised one finger and swayed, happy that he’d gotten the finger up fairly easily that time.

“Absolutely not,” Marcos said. “You need to sleep this off.”

Leo slumped into Antonio, letting his brother hold up most of his weight. He was too busy with the all-consuming weight of his broken heart bearing down on his shoulders to worry about holding himself up.

“I hate to say it,” Alvaro put a hand on his shoulder, “but they’re all right. You don’t need more. It’s not going to help.”

“He’s cut off anyway,” said Sasha, the hot bartender whom Leo had once thought about sleeping with. Leo squinted his eyes at her behind the counter, offhandedly wondering what he had ever seen in her as long as Piper existed. Piper had blue eyes he could fall into and skin as silky as rose petals. Sasha was rough around the edges and dark in all the places she should be bright and happy, like sunshine and sunflowers and everything wonderful. If the bartender was anything like Leo, she would end up with someone as sunny and as warm as Piper, with shampoo that smelled like sugar and lemons.

“Lemon cake!” Leo declared as if anyone could hear his internal thoughts.

“No clue why he’s shouting about cake now,” Alvaro said when everyone looked to him to decode again.

“Varo, did you know Piper has nithe sampoo?” Leo smiled dreamily then frowned. “Ewiot will wuv her sampoo.”

“Who the fuck is Elliot?” Alvaro asked as Antonio and Marcos wrangled to keep Leo upright.

“Elliot?” Sam sat up straighter on his barstool. “What does Elliot have to do with anything?”

“He’s going to have Piper’s babies,” Leo slurred, then pulled his eyebrows together, working out the details. “Or… Piper’ll have his babies. I dunno. They’ll have cute babies.”

“Varo, what did he say?” Antonio huffed.

“He’s confused about reproduction,” Alvaro informed.

“I would love to stop talking about reproduction in general when it comes to my sister,” Carter said dryly.

“It also sounds like he’s decided that whoever the hell Elliot is, he’s who’s going to end up with Piper?” Alvaro screwed up his face in confusion.

“That sounds like a conclusion he’d make.” Sam sighed. “Elliot’s a set designer who worked with Piper on the stage design.”

“I have dinner with Piper once a week, and I have no idea who Elliot is,” Carter said. “And the last time we were supposed to have dinner, she canceled because she wanted to hang out with you.” Carter jabbed a finger at Leo’s chest, and Leo’s wobbly footing became even dicier. Leo wondered absentmindedly if this was how Piper felt just walking around considering he couldn’t count the number of times he’d had to catch her from injuring herself. Then again, he couldn’t count much of anything except the number of broken hearts in the vicinity: one.

“He ashked her out,” Leo grumbled.

“So? Does she know how you feel about her?” Marcos asked.

“You gave her the necklace, right?” Alvaro’s eyebrows rose. “I spent a lot of fucking time on that thing. You better have—”

“I gave it to her.” Leo sniffled. He had never been a drunk crier, but he was starting to think that now might be the time to change that. “And I was gonna tell her when Ewiot—”

“Ah, okay. So Elliot interrupted his love confession,” Alvaro translated.

“Then you fight for her.” Antonio shrugged after he hauled Leo up to a standing position.

“Get her back,” Marcos agreed. “The insane shit I did just so Harper would talk to me was worth it.”

“See doesn’t wan me,” Leo insisted.
