Page 55 of Shawland Security

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With those parting words, Al leaves my office and building. Clay looks out into the office building and shouts for Chris to join us.

“Did you know about his plan?” asks Clay.

I throw the file on my desk and sit down.

“Which one?” asks Chris.

“Which one? Really? You both better start fucking talking!”

“Open the file, Clay.” I push it across to him.

He opens the file and thumbs through every piece of blank paper.

“I don’t get it.” He looks between me and Chris.

“I don’t have a file. I plan on making a statement to Armand Rosalie at the Chicago Observer.” I pull out my report from the drawer and throw it over to Clay. “It details the care and attention we’ve received from CPD, or the lack of. I plan on speaking with Aria, her family, and Sophia’s family. The police force has failed these girls. They continue to do so because of the cuts. They don’t give a shit. You heard Al, he’s following orders. Well, I follow my own fucking orders to please myself and my family. Aria has been through enough.”

I’ve kept this report for over two weeks. I’m planning on giving it to Armand, a member of the local press that has been good with me over the years. Their paper is the only paper that hasn’t run Aria’s name to the ground for their own gain.

“And you’re going to do all that in a little over fourteen hours?” Clay holds his watch out dramatically.

“No. I’m hoping that my threat will go back to the chief of police and leak to the press. I’m hoping it will make them rethink their decision. I have nothing else to lose. Aria has nothing else to lose. Sophia’s family has nothing else to lose.”

“But the police do,” Chris finishes for me. “Speak with Aria, get her opinion. Ask her what she wants to do. I’m with you on this, Caleb. They’ve not done enough on this case. We’ve done a lot of the leg work, door to door enquires, canvasing local areas, putting posters up for information. We’re a security company. We shouldn’t need to be doing any of this for the local CPD. Chicago is running scared. The people don’t feel safe in their own homes. It needs to stop.”

Chris leaves my office and Clay watches his retreating back. “Okay then, tell me what you want me to do, because I’m out of my depth here. I don’t play games with the authorities, I just fucking act.”

“Hold tight, bro. Hold tight.”

I grab the empty file off my desk and leave my office as quickly as I can. I have one motive here, and that’s to get justice for Aria and all the girls that have been affected by this monster.

And I will get justice if it’s the last thing I do.

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