Page 61 of Shawland Security

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I’ve got this, I say over and over in my head.

We make it to the gates, and I see the vultures look over at us. I have Caleb on one arm and my mother on the other, with Clay in front of me and Spencer behind me. It’s like they’re guarding me without even realizing it.

I can hear the whispers around me, but I try to block them out. We get through the gates with very little hassle. Maybe the press is just here to see who shows up, or to see if there is any trouble. Either way, it’s not very nice of them to be here today. It’s disrespectful to Sophia and her family. There should be laws or rules about this kind of behavior from the press.

The hairs on the back of my neck rise. I look up around me, but nothing looks out of the ordinary.

“You okay?” asks Caleb.

I nod. There is nothing else I can do or say. I know there is a possibility that my kidnapper could be here watching me today. That’s why I’m wearing a long black jacket that hides my bump well. Amber picked it out for me on Saturday, and it’s something I would have picked for myself.

“Can we sit at the back?”


There are rows of chairs set out around the open grave. Sophia’s coffin sits under the gazebo all ready for today’s service to take place.

I just can’t stop thinking how unfair it is that we’re burying such a young person. She should have had her full life ahead of her. Yet, here we are today, surrounded by her family and friends as they pay their last respects.

Goosebumps spread up my arms and I shiver. I tighten my grip around Caleb’s arm and hold on like my life depends on it. I look over my shoulder and spot Al and his partner standing several feet away from us. Al nods in my direction. I don’t know if I take comfort that he’s here or not.

When I turn back to the front, a movement from my left side catches my eye. Over in the distance beside a large tree is a figure dressed in all black. The weird thing that caught my eye is the black hat and glasses. The hat is out of the ordinary for a funeral. My blood runs cold and I swallow a lump in my throat.

“Are you okay?” Caleb whispers.

“No. Tree to my left.” I try to breathe. I feel sick.

Caleb whispers into his sleeve and Clay stands up to leave his seat. I can feel movement from behind me, but I daren’t look. I hope it’s Al catching onto something being wrong. I don’t want a scene at Sophia’s funeral, but if that’s the monster that did this then he needs to be caught.

Caleb holds his ear. It’s at that moment that I realize he’s wearing an earpiece. He speaks into his sleeve. “Just go for it, Clay. Be as discreet as possible.”

I look out of the corner of my eye and see Clay, Al, and two other men walking across the cemetery. Clay looks like he’s on a mission, but the officers are keeping their distance. It’s at that point that the man dressed in all black notices he has gained attention and he runs as fast as he can. He sprints over the graves, jumping the headstones, stumbling but righting himself until I can’t see where he goes. I hold my hand over my mouth and let the tears fall. If that was him, he was so close to me.

If that was him. Of course it was. Why would he run if he had nothing to hide?

“I need to get out of here, Caleb. I feel sick.”

The service hasn’t even started and already it’s a shambles. I wreck everything I touch or encounter lately. Nothing ever goes to plan. Not only did I help kill Sophia, but I’ve disrupted her service. Why couldn’t I just keep my mouth shut and let him watch?

Caleb stands up with me and wraps his arm around my shoulders. My mom and Spencer follow behind us. I keep my hand over my mouth, because I have never felt as sick as this in my life.

“Fuck! Clay has the keys,” says Caleb as we get outside of the gates.

“Caleb, do you need a ride?” A car pulls up alongside us.

“Armand,” Caleb says. He looks behind us and I hear him hiss. “Yes. Can you get us out of here? Clay has the keys to the truck.”


We get into the smaller vehicle and I bury myself into Caleb’s chest. Spencer climbs in the front passenger seat and my mom joins me and Caleb in the back. Right now, I wish I could disappear.

“Can you get us far enough away from here, but to a place we can stop, because Aria isn’t feeling well.”

A silent agreement is spoken between Caleb and Armand. Not another word is spoken for what feels like hours. The feel of Caleb’s large hand rubbing up and down my back is soothing. I can’t say it relaxes me, because every nerve ending is on high alert, my mind is working overtime, and my thoughts are all over the place.

“I shot a text to Pop on our way here. His diner is now closed for as long as you need it,” says Armand.

“Thanks, buddy, I owe you one.” Caleb reaches forward and squeezes his shoulder.
