Page 67 of Shawland Security

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Jackson and I sit in silence for a few moments.

I clear my throat and sit back. “We were just saying that we need to find strength from somewhere.”

Jack sits down on the floor and crosses his legs. “Before you found out about Aria and your daughter, what was life like for you?”

I shrug. “I worked every hour under the sun. I thought Aria was safe and happy in… God knows where. Life was comfortable.”

“And now?”

“I don’t work as much because I’m trying to be there for Aria. Life is… different. We’re always wondering what’s going to happen next. I don’t think that will ever change until her kidnapper is caught.”

“Okay. It’s Christmas. I won’t see you again until the first week in January, but from now until then, every day, I want you and Aria to do something that you would have done before. It doesn’t have to be much. Jackson, I want you to do the same, but I also want you to talk to your daughter. It seems like you’ve both lost that element of communication.”

“I agree.” Jackson sighs. “I want my little girl back.”

“Maybe that’s the problem. Your little girl has grown up. We just need to get you all on the same page. It’s hard, but we have a plan. Are we good to try this?”

I nod. I knew I’d try anything the counsellor suggested before I stepped foot in here today. Now, I just need to get through the next two weeks with no counselling sessions. I need to try what Jack has suggested and see what we can accomplish.

Chapter 27


Staring up at the twinkling tree in Caleb’s living room makes me smile. A lot has changed since last Christmas. I can remember being told it was Christmas Day last year. I cried for the situation I was in. I cried, because I thought it was going to be my last ever Christmas alive. Now, one year forward, I’m standing here, looking up at the most beautifully decorated tree, holding my hand over my baby bump, feeling thankful for being around the people I love and care about.

“Hey.” I hear Caleb’s voice from behind me, and instantly, I feel the smile creep over my lips.

It’s amazing how one person can make me forget my darkest moments and bring me back to the here and now. When he’s around, I feel like everything is brighter.

Caleb’s arms wrap around my waist from behind. His hands land on my stomach, covering my hands. “You look deep in thought. Are you okay?”

“I’m good. It’s Christmas Eve. I was just thinking in general. How was your session at Woman Matters?”

“It was good. I was paired with a guy whose fifteen-year-old daughter was raped. Her rapist got six years behind bars. It was good to talk to others in the same situation. Anyway, enough about that. It’s Christmas. I want us to enjoy this time, before our families crash in here tomorrow.” Caleb places a kiss on my neck.

“It’s Christmas,” I repeat. “Every year is different. And next year will be different again.”

“Christmas used to be our favorite holiday. Can you remember that year we all went to my parents’ cabin for the holidays?”

I nod. That cabin held a lot of special memories for me. A lot of happy memories.

“I’m not sure how I’m going to react to Christmas this year, Caleb. That makes me feel sad, because I used to love Christmas. It was one of my favorite holidays.”

Caleb turns me in his arms and holds me close. “I have something for you, but now I’m not sure I should give it to you.”

“Why? Is it that bad?”

He shrugs and picks up a box from the coffee table. “I know you used to love Christmas tree ornaments. I thought we could start our own collection from this year. A fresh start. Fresh memories.”

He hands me the box and I open it carefully. I take out the first ornament and it’s a Christmas tree ornament that has the baby’s ultrasound picture on it. Underneath it, it says, Bump’s First Christmas. Tears well in my eyes.

“It’s beautiful.” I turn and place it in the center of the tree.

The second ornament is a beautiful white dove. I’m curious to know the meaning behind this ornament.

“It’s lovely.” I place it on the tree.

“I think a dove represents love and peace. I’m hoping that this Christmas we can all show you how loved you both are.”
