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I reached out instinctively, my hand wrapping around the small base of her wrist. She turned, the little ringlets of her hair flying about her face. “Hey,” I said softly, pulling her back to the doorway and off of the front mat. “Are you okay? You seem… distant.”

“I’m fine, Hudson,” she sighed, turning her head back toward her condo. She didn’t want to look at me, but fuck, all I wanted to do was look at her in that dress. “I don’t know what you’re talking about.”

“You don’t seem fine.”

“Well, I am. And I’d like to go home.” She tugged once on my hold, and I released her, but I didn’t want to let her leave. I’d had two glasses of wine, I was more than loose enough to have a decent conversation with her, and if I was being truly honest, I wanted to keep looking at her.

“Jamey asked me if you’d read him a bedtime story,” I lied. “Will you stay? Just for a few?”

She looked at me again, some sense of inner conflict thinly veiled on her features. “Okay,” she sighed, taking a step back inside. “I’ll read him a story. Then I’m going home.”

The time passed way too quickly. Although Jamey hadn’t actually requested it, he was more than happy to have Sophie helping with bedtime. I stood in the doorway of his room, the little glow-in-the-dark stars lighting the space so perfectly as Sophie sat on his bed, his favorite book tucked neatly in her hands. It only took him a few pages to fall asleep, and I prayed she wouldn’t notice, that she’d keep reading, extending this stupid fucking lie of a moment as long as possible.

But of course, I can’t have everything I want.

Sophie closed the door behind her as she walked out of his room, and instead of focusing on the way my son took to her so easily or how quickly he’d fallen asleep to the sound of her voice, all I could do was think about how much I wanted her beneath me. That little part of me that was animalistic, that wanted to take, take, take and fuck the consequences, was nibbling a little too hard at my mind. Her dress and her lips weren’t helping.

I walked with her down the hall as she aimed for the stairs, my mind swimming, and before I could take a moment to think about it, I sprung.

She gasped as I placed myself between her and the stairs, forcing her backward, further and further until her spine hit the wall. “What the fuck?—”

“I was wrong,” I said. Placing my hands on either side of her head, I caged her in. The perfume she wore flooded my senses, scrambling my brain even more, the thoughts of being close enough to her that I could smell it on every inch of her bare skin flooding my mind. “We can make it work.”

“What?” She breathed, the little wave of hair that had fallen in her face jumping from the puff of air.

“It was a bad idea, breaking it off like that. Clearly, neither of us is happy with it. Am I right?” I challenged, leaning in just an inch further, her parted lips within reaching distance.

She hesitated before she answered me, her eyes searching mine for answers, her chest rising and falling too quickly, too unevenly. “Just because we’re not happy with it doesn’t mean it’s a bad idea.”

I took her face in my hand, stroking across the streak of freckles beneath her eye, and she turned her head into it. “Let me make you think it is, Sophie,” I whispered, and the distance between my lips and hers felt too far. I couldn’t fucking help myself—I needed to taste her, to have her, to take her again. I knew it was a bad idea. I knew I’d just keep coming back for more and more. I just didn’t fucking care.

I pressed my lips to the corner of her mouth, just enough to satiate me for the moment she needed to make a decision. I’d honor her choice, whatever it was, but I’d be fucking disappointed if she made the wrong one.

“Let’s keep the game going,” I continued. “I’ll pretend to be yours. You pretend to be mine. Let me fuck you with that ring on, angel.”

Her breath faltered as I moved my hand to the back of her neck, my fingers splaying out into her hair. Goddammit, Hudson,” she whimpered, her head turning just a fraction, her lips pressing firmly against mine.

Chapter 22


Saturday Night

This was dangerous, more than dangerous, and we both knew it. We’d agreed to no more of this, and although I was more upset about that than I should have been, it was the right thing to do, the best thing to do. But if we were going to throw all caution to the wind, being as far away from Jamey as possible was the only solution.

I grasped the black, thick cotton of his shirt in my hand, putting that little bit of space between us. My back rested solidly against the curve of the kitchen counter, pressing firmly into my spine. “Hudson,” I gasped, pulling my mouth from his. “There’s a chance he could still hear us here.” I pushed back against his chest, my knuckles meeting solid muscle. His answering growl vibrated against them.

“Then where do you propose we go?” He asked, shifting the attention of his lips to my neck, to the soft spot beneath my ear that made me pant. “Or are you capable of being quiet?”

I almost laughed. “Not when I’m with you.”

His hand dragged down my side, resting at the point where fabric met flesh, and slowly, he began to shift it upward. “You have about ten seconds before I fuck you over the counter, so if you want to go somewhere else, you’d better pick now.”

Where? I glanced around frantically, trying to come up with a better idea that wouldn’t potentially end with him regretting it entirely because of our proximity to Jamey. Everything was too close in this massive house, too much of a risk. My options were dwindling, his roaming fingers against my thigh an indication that the clock was ticking. Garage? No, it reeks of motor oil. “Backyard,” I breathed, my heart leaping in my chest at the thought. “Jamey’s room looks toward your neighbors, right? He won’t be able to see anything.”

I could feel his erection against my hip, throbbing in time with my heartbeat. He was impatient. “Great. Perfect. Now go.”


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