Page 121 of Eat Your Heart Out

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“Well, this whole thing is a dumpster fire,” he said once we got to the coffee machine. He swiped his card on the machine. “No pun intended.”

I’d laugh if it felt appropriate. “This is no time for humor.”

“Actually, it’s the perfect time,” he said, before attempting to press a button on the machine. He was frazzled, though, and didn’t seem to know what he was doing. “Fuck, what did Sloane say she wanted?”

This really was affecting them all in different ways, and I took the initiative and pressed in the order for him.

“Thanks,” he said, the button literally in front of him. He shook his head. “Don’t know how I missed that.”

“It’s cool.”

He nodded as a cup came down, and the thing started to fill with coffee. He stared at it, appearing lost, and maybe he was a little. I rubbed his arm. “Wells is going to be fine. We all saw him before he left. He seemed good.”

In fact, Wells’s attention had seemed to focus less on his injury and more on the male nurse who had taken him back. The tall blond had definitely gotten a full stare of the nurse’s ass before the guy had guided Wells away.

I mentioned that, and Bru smirked. He shook his head again. “Yeah, the guy’s nothing but a ho,” he said. The coffee finished, and he took it out. “He is probably fine while we’re all out here fucking worrying.”

He jammed his fingers against the machine for the second order. I think he only stopped because of the high-pitched voice that chirped down the hallway.

“Excuse me. I’m looking for Wells Ambrose. Do you know what room he’s in or—”


Bow, Thatcher’s sister, whipped around after Bru called her, and I blinked that she was, well, here. Bundled up to her neck, Bow rushed over in a wool coat and snow boots. She waved a hand, the pom-poms on her gloves matching her earmuffs. “Bru! Fawn! Thank God.”

The pair of us met her halfway, and she was out of breath by the time she got to us. She may have been out of breath before she got to us, and she was rushing so bad she nearly tripped and fell on Bru.

He stabilized her. “Bow… What…” He gazed around. “I thought you had classes.”

I thought she did too, which was why she hadn’t come with us on this trip.

The coffee forgotten about, Bru got Bow out of the fray, and I took the one he had from him. Bow was panicking like… crazy. Her cheeks were beet red, and she had so much snow on her it appeared she’d tobogganed her way here. Her dark hair was coated in snowflakes, the strands curling at the ends.

“I was, but Sloane texted me. She said Wells burned himself?” She said it all in one breath, gazing around the hospital like she’d see him. “Is he okay? What happened?”

Bru explained briefly, quickly, and Bow’s blue eyes turned into saucers. She appeared horror-struck. Especially when he got to the part about Wells’s skin looking melted. The flesh was more bubbled up than anything, but yeah.

“Oh, God.” She covered her mouth, looking sick. “Is he going to be okay?”

“He should be, yeah,” Bru continued. “I mean, I don’t know for sure, but we were all with him up until he went back to see a doctor. He seemed fine, but he looked like he was in a lot of pain.”

Bow’s breath came out in short wisps, and Bru patted the air as if to calm her. Bow was really panicking here, and I guess I wasn’t surprised. Legacy was a tight unit, and anyone around them could see that.

“Come on. I’ll take you back to the others,” Bru suggested. “They’re all waiting for him in the ER.”

I followed along after the pair, the three of us pushing through the double doors back to the emergency room. We headed in the direction of the waiting room but stopped when someone called Bow’s name.

“The fuck you doing here, squeak?” Wells Ambrose strode down the hallway, looking angry for some reason. His coat hung limply off one of his broad shoulders, and that probably had something to do with the fact that his hand was bandaged up to his forearm. His jaw clenched. “Did you drive here? Don’t tell me you fucking drove in that snowstorm.”

Bow blanched, and Bru and I stopped entirely. I think we were all kind of shocked that Wells was here, and not in some burn unit, but once the shock wore off and Wells was glaring down at Bow, I think we all got our thoughts back. He towered over her, the height difference like Wolf and me, and that said something. My boyfriend was over six foot five, and I was nowhere near that. I might have gotten to five foot seven in heels. Bow frowned. “Sloane told me you burned yourself.”

She was distracted by the injury. Her gaze settled on the bandage, but Wells’s attention focused on nothing but her. He did look pissed, his face a hotter red than Bow’s had been when she’d come into the hospital. The fact that he’d dyed his hair brighter than the snow melting on Bow’s boots only emphasized the contrast. He bared his teeth. “So, you thought you’d take it upon yourself to drive all the way out here in the middle of a fucking snowstorm?” He fisted into his dark roots. “You could have fucking killed yourself—”

“Eh, Wells, lay off.” Bru got between the pair. The two guys were similar in height and more easily matched. Bru’s lips turned down. “She was obviously just worried about you. Take it down a couple notches.”

“Fuck that, kid. She could have killed herself being stupid,” he said, redirecting his snarl at Bru, but Bow pushed her way back into the conversation. She wiggled in between the guys like a little ninja and had clearly surprised them both when they blinked. Suddenly, they were gazing down at her instead of coming at each other, and Wells blanched when Bow shot a finger in his direction.

“I can’t believe you,” Bow snapped, stamping her boot. I’d yet to see this girl angry, so I did a little bit of a double take. She was like one of those Disney princesses who never raised their voice unless they were calling for their animal friends in the forest. She knuckled her fists. “I came all the way here… drove all the way here just for you to… to… Ugh!”
