Page 123 of Eat Your Heart Out

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“Where’s Fawn?” I asked Dorian and Sloane. Bru and Bow were with them in the ER’s waiting room too, and for some reason, Bow had thought it was a good idea to drive like three hours in the middle of a snowstorm to get here. Wells had told Thatcher and I all about it after Wells made his way outside to find us. Wells had had a smoke while he spoke, and knowing our buddy was in physical pain, Thatch and I had stayed out there for a bit with him. The dude was lucky this hadn’t happened in the middle of football season or something. That was some stupid shit he’d pulled, but I think Thatch and I were more relieved he still had a hand. I was pretty sure that was the only reason the pair of us hadn’t given him a hard time while we were outside and had let Wells take his time with the smoke.

I really wanted to be back inside with my girlfriend after I found out my friend was okay, and the group in the waiting room glanced up following my question about her. Wells and Thatcher flanked me, and Wells had explained he’d already made a stop with Dorian and Sloane before coming outside to find us.

Even still, Dorian got up and asked Wells if he was okay. Wells nodded, and after he did, Sloane punched him on the shoulder for being stupid. He was stupid, but my focus really wasn’t on that considering my girl was missing.

“She wasn’t outside with you?” Bru asked, getting up. “I guess I just assumed she was since she wasn’t in the waiting room when Bow and I got here.”

The kid had gone after Bow. Apparently, Wells had given her a hard time about driving over here, and he’d mentioned that outside.

I watched in my periphery as Thatcher opened his hands and scolded his sister for that same thing. Bow crossed her little arms in response, facing away. Her face red, she told her older brother she didn’t want to hear it, and as big as he was (and as small as she was), Thatch never really could control his sister. Rainbow Reed may be tiny and shy, but she was also a spitfire. That had to be the Legacy blood in her because she wasn’t listening to Thatch at all until he sat beside her. He brought his voice down, and even though she called him a jerk for yelling at her, she didn’t fight him when he put his burly arms around her. He asked her if she was okay, and she was smiling by the time he let go of her. Her big brother was obviously just worried, and I think Wells had been too when he’d told us. The guy wouldn’t say that for shit, but he’d paced like a son of a bitch outside as he’d told us what she’d done to get here. Wells was always one to give Bow a hard time, but I tried to stay out of that drama unless he took it too far. He did sometimes.

Wells seemed to be okay now, as he studied Thatch and Bow. He was looking at his phone, but more of his attention appeared to be in that direction. My focus moved to my own phone.

“I’ll text her,” Bru said, but I was already doing that.

Me: Hey. Where are you? We’re all in the waiting room. Wells is good.

I think she already knew that since Wells had told us he’d seen her too. In fact, he’d thought she’d been behind him before he left the ER.

Her text message bubble came up, her response quick.

Fawn: Hey! I’m by the bathrooms. You won’t believe who I ran into.

Curious, a smile touched my lips. I told the others I’d be back, then texted her as I strode toward those very bathrooms.

Me: That was a very excited hey. Ha. Who did you see?

It had to have been someone she wanted to see since she appeared to be excited, and I spotted her once I left the ER. My girlfriend had her head down, her thumbs tapping her phone.

Fawn: He’s just finishing up with some colleagues.

Fawn: We’ll be along s

That was as much of the text message as she managed to send out since I scared her. I brought Fawn Greenfield against me, those soft curves of hers directly against my cock, and she squealed a little before realizing it was me. Immediately, she started hitting at my hands for freaking her out, but I didn’t fucking care.

“Wolf…” she growled, but then my name turned into a sigh. I had my mouth on her neck, so I was sure that had something to do with it. “You’re hopeless.”

I was without her, and I didn’t stop my pursuit until she told me she wanted me to meet someone. She said that someone was making their way toward us, which was why she eased herself away, but the only reason I let go of her was because I did make eye contact with someone. I’d never met the guy approaching us before. Never seen him.

But I knew him.

I knew him in a way that made dread hit me. Everything solid became so fragile, weak and splintered. Everything I had became vulnerable, and when Fawn stepped away to greet the man, all I could see was the space between us.

So much space.

It was probably only a few feet, but it felt like miles… leagues away from her in that moment. She grinned at the man, and I knew she knew him well too. He was her stepfather, Dr. Anton Weber. He was renowned in the medical community and probably because of his history with difficult cases. He’d performed many surgeries when he had actively practiced.

“Anton, this is my boyfriend, Ares Mallick. He goes by Wolf,” Fawn said.

She always referred to me as Wolf when speaking about me to her family. I’d heard her call me that on calls and spotted her doing the same in text messages. Whenever she talked about me to her mom and stepdad, she always called me Wolf and I never fought her.

I never did.

Fawn introduced her stepdad in the next moment. I heard her in some far-off place, some distant land that separated her from me. The sound, her voice, was murky like she was underwater.
