Page 76 of Eat Your Heart Out

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He was probably worried sick. I’d told him I’d find his sister and Bow, then ended up collapsed on the floor, weak.

Rushing, I left the room, trying to make calls on the way. Nothing went through, and something unusual was how quiet this house was. There was discarded trash on the floor, paper plates and cups, but no people. I hadn’t been to a ton of parties since I’d gone to college, but typically, one would step over a body or two if one stayed late enough. That just came with the territory, but this place was empty.


Some light singing came from the kitchen, and my phone just about left my hands at the sight of Bow Reed. She was pulling toast out of a toaster, then buttering it.


I walked casually, slowly. This was very unusual, and I was so quiet I scared the shit out of Bow. She jumped, but when she realized I was the one creeping around, she laughed.

“Oh my gosh, Fawn. You scared me.” She chuckled, still in her party clothes. Upon further observation, I was too. She placed down her knife. “Want some toast? It’s about the only thing I can make.”

My phone touched the counter. She was speaking to me like it wasn’t unusual we were both here.

“It’s also the only thing I could find in this house besides beer and hot dogs,” she said, her cheeks rosy. She’d cleared a space on the counter to prepare her food, but the other areas were filled with trash. Again, discarded plates and stuff like they’d been abandoned. The punch bowl was still out.

I gripped my phone. “Why are we both still here?”

The million-dollar question. I knew why I was here, of course. I’d passed out, and Wolf had left my ass.


I couldn’t think about him right now. Not without being confused, so I didn’t. Even still, my throat thickened waiting for Bow’s response, and she laughed again.

“Oh, right. This is probably weird. Seeing me.” She placed her knife down, then took a bite of her toast. “I stayed here last night. We all did.”

“All did?”

She nodded. “Me, Sloane, Wells, Thatcher, Dorian, and Ares.”


“Bru didn’t, but only so he could cover for us back at the house with our parents,” Bow continued. “I don’t know what excuse he made, but he was here at the cabin this morning when I woke up. Well, briefly. He said he was going for a walk, but he’d be back before everyone woke up.”

My mouth parted. “Was he okay?” I didn’t know after that fight.

I definitely feel like I dropped the ball when it came to him. I’d been so weak last night.

Bow’s expression dropped upon me mentioning Bru. “He seemed to be, yeah, and crazy about that fight. Sloane and I didn’t see it, but we obviously heard about it.” She chewed her lip. “There was an ambulance.”

I didn’t get to see that part considering I’d been comatose on the floor.


That voice in my head was so loud, but every time it rose, I heard another.

“You’ll be okay… You’re doing so good, baby…”

Chills hit my arms. Stupid chills that didn’t make sense. I forced Wolf’s voice out. It being there made just as much sense as his presence last night.

“Why were the guys here last night?” Really what I was asking was why was Wolf here? “Why are any of us here?”

“Well, the boys kind of commandeered the cabin after the fight, and that guy is okay. The one Bru hit?” Bow shook her head. “I heard what happened there too. He sounded like a jerk.”

He had been one. I swallowed, and Bow continued on.

“Sounded like he just went to the hospital to get checked out, but word around the party was that he was fine. The EMTs checked him out.”
