Page 88 of Pretty Like A Devil

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I faced him. “Well, who the fuck’s fault is that?” We were basically the reason my sister had no social life. At least not outside of Legacy and whatever we were doing. Because she didn’t do a whole lot, she filled her time with her studies, classes. She’d started a winter class today, and she probably was in the library.

Bru had taken one too, which was why he hadn’t flown over to be here. They both were staying on campus during winter break with the exception of the days surrounding the holidays, and I think Bru mostly took a class so my sister wasn’t alone. He was a good guy, the kid.

Wells just sat back, bunching his arms like I hadn’t said anything. We were the reason my sister had no social life. We were because Dorian, Wolf, and myself were complacent with shit Wells started. He had a beef with my sister from years back, one that was still following her to this day. It had pretty much made her a pariah in high school and followed her into college since most people who went to our high school went to Pembroke. The only reason I was still letting that shit continue was because it made my job protecting her easy. Guys didn’t mess with her because of her pariah status, and that meant I didn’t have to break any faces of dudes trying to get into her pants. She was my baby sister, and I had to protect her.

Even still, it was kind of getting old, Bow and Wells’s beef, but tell that to Wells. Maybe one day he’d come around, but my thoughts let go of that when the lights dimmed…

And my snowflake came out on the stage.

She wore a black dress with a slit that went so high it touched her hip. It made my cock twitch that I’d get to peel that shit off her later, her brown skin glowing when her thigh peeked with every stride she made across the stage. She had her cello in hand, her locs gathered in two intricate braids over her beautiful tits that pillowed in the tight fight of her dress. Her lips painted red, my girl was a goddess, and I was the first to applaud her entrance. The room erupted in clapping and cheers, but she heard me.

I made sure she did.

I was the loudest motherfucker in this place and would have stood if I didn’t think that would embarrass her. That was the only reason I stayed in my seat, and right away, Snowflake’s dark eyes connected with mine. She smiled slightly, those painted lips fighting a full-on grin. I knew that because I knew her.

My applause got louder, her head shaking at me before her gaze connected with the crowd. She nodded before taking her seat, and I thought I’d have to wait a second after the crowd silenced. I worried I’d have to wait a second. When she’d performed for my frat, it had taken a minute for her to get going, and that’d been with my help. I worried she wouldn’t release her fears and hesitate.

But then I wondered why.

Her music filled the air, precision in each note, and I sat there with little breath. My girl fucking stole it, and she did that for the whole crowd. No one was breathing in that room as she played.

Absolutely no one.

I’d heard Aspen play before. She did sometimes back at school in the dorm. I’d catch her practicing sometimes, but that wasn’t anything like this. She commanded this entire audience, the whole room just like she did whenever she played in front of just me. With this girl’s music around me… nothing and no one else was getting in.

Nothing at all.

I had to look like a goofy kid, my grin on my face while I watched her. She was magnificent, and it kind of reminded me of how she looked whenever she came to my football games. The season had, of course, wrapped, but nothing was like knowing my girl was in Legacy’s private suite. She didn’t come to all of my games, but she came to most of them. She supported me, the pair of us a team.

“Fuck, yeah!” I couldn’t help shouting after the final note my girl played that night. The pop star who’d performed the final song with her heard me. The girl’s eyes flashed in my direction, but Snowflake’s didn’t. Aspen just laughed and pressed her hand on her dress. She did that as she bowed, and I was sure I was the only one who noticed she had a chain around her neck. It was the chain she wore with the ring I’d given her, and though that ring was tucked into her beautiful dress, she put her hand right over it. She had me with her the whole performance just like I had her with me whenever I was on the football field.

I pulled out my gold snowflake she’d given me, kissing it, and she beamed at me from the stage. There were a gazillion people here, but in that moment, it felt like we were the only ones.

We were the only ones.

Aspen and I ditched my friends and her mom after dinner that night. I loved my family and appreciated them for making the trip to NYC, but yeah. I was spending the rest of the night with my girlfriend. Aspen must have felt the same because she parted with her mom after dinner as well.

I will say my friends understood the dismissal. They all had partners, with the exception of Wells, but that dude never found issues trying to find folks to spend his time with. In fact, he was probably balls deep in someone right now, so I was never concerned about him.

My concerns lay with a certain snowflake and how I couldn’t get her clothes off fast enough when we were finally alone back at my hotel. The night consisted of hard fucking, and after? Time in the bath. I made sure to soothe and kiss every visible part of her, spending extra time massaging her joints and hands. She didn’t have too many issues with her autoimmune disease since her flare during the semester. She was on top of her meds, but I knew playing still took a toll on her. It was something she never publicly advertised, but I’d see the days where she’d need a heat pack or had to take some pain meds. It wasn’t often, but it happened, and I figured massages and extra care didn’t hurt. I liked taking care of her. Loved it.

“Thatcher!” She laughed, giggling like a schoolgirl in my arms. I had her embraced deep in my arms, my mouth on her neck, my teeth biting her skin. I loved breaking down this girl’s walls, and she did when she unleashed the most childlike laughter. I didn’t let her take herself too seriously and sometimes she serioused my ass up. We were a perfect combination. She touched my arms. “Thatcher…”

Oh, yeah. I definitely liked when she said my name like that. I also liked when she touched me, and she knew my boundaries. Some days it was still hard, but she got it now. She took care in knowing my limits, and what was nice was, I never felt ashamed about them. I never felt judged or weak with her.

I just felt.

I felt safe with Aspen Davis, and I knew she felt the same with me. The two of us were great, fucking magic.

I sucked hard on Aspen’s skin in the bath. I didn’t do it hard enough to leave a mark but the brown tone of her skin definitely had a nice shade of rose coloring the surface. I pressed my mouth softly where I’d bitten. “Snowflake?”

She’d done so good at her performance tonight, and I was so fucking in love with this girl. Everyone knew of that love, my friends, my family and hers, including our parents. I caught all three of them looking at us sometimes whenever we were all together, her mom and my mom and dad. We’d all spent a lot of time together before the semester had wrapped.

It’d been nice.

I saw a visible change in Snowflake, her and her mom’s relationship so different than how she’d explained to me before. Don’t get me wrong. Her mom still put off that hard-ass energy, and I knew she pushed Aspen creatively, but those pushes were only on Snowflake’s terms. Aspen had set boundaries, and her mom not only respected them but embraced them. Also, her mom fucking loved me, but then again, who didn’t? Needless to say, whenever her mom came to town during the semester, I was asked to join her and Snowflake for dinner. Her mom was pretty cool behind her hard exterior, and I was used to a little tough love in my life. My dad had always been a hard-ass, and though that hadn’t changed, our relationship had. It too had transformed. It was different.

And different wasn’t necessarily a bad thing.
