Page 77 of Pony Rides Fast

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Sooner or later, she was going to have to answer the call. Even so, her phone felt like it weighed a hundred pounds as she picked it up and answered it.

Harris’s words seemed to rise up out of the phone and snap at her like a junkyard dog.

“You stupid little bitch. You stupid little bitch.”

“Don’t call me that,” she said.

“I’ll call you whatever the fuck I want,” Harris said. “Do you have any idea how badly you fucked me today?”

“I told you I couldn’t do that.”

“I had an entire FBI search team come down on the MC, based on a bullshit anonymous tip. I stuck my neck out for you, for you, and you blew it!”

“I didn’t blow anything,” Piper said. “I’m not your...”

“You’re whatever the hell I tell you that you are!” Harris shouted, then let his voice calm down before he continued. “All right. All right. This is not a conversation we can have over the phone. You still have the… the evidence?”

Part of her wanted to shoutyoumean the heroininto the phone, just to clap back at him for what he had tried to make her do. But he was right. This was an unsecured line, and anyone could be listening. The last thing she needed to do was to admit to carrying around a kilo of heroin.

“I have it.”

“Fine. Bring it to me. I’ll get rid of it. And then you and I are going to have to have a very serious conversation about how you’re going to make this right. Or I will make that call and leave you out in the cold with the Bureau. Ask me if I’m bluffing.”

“I know you’re not bluffing.”

“Good,” he said. “Meet me at our secondary location.”

“You mean the little park in town square?”

“Not over the phone, damn it. I told you, this is an unsecured line and we have no idea who could be listening.”

Like who?Piper thought. The MC didn’t have any capability to tap her phone, as far as she knew. And since there was no evidence that the MC had any connection to Navarro, there was no reason to think that the cartel would be listening, either.

Whatever. Harris was probably being paranoid, on top of being pissed at her. Or maybe he was worried that his superiors at the FBI were listening in and he didn’t want them to know how dirty he was willing to get to make his case against the MC.


“Yeah, I heard you,” she said. “The secondary location.”



“I’ve got a lot to clean up before we meet.”

Tell me about it, Piper thought, but said nothing. She simply hung up the phone and dragged herself out of her sister’s car, shuffling her exhausted feet through the front door of her house.

It took all of two seconds for Carly to see that something was wrong.

“Piper?” she said. “What happened?”

“Everything,” Piper said, the words falling out of her like a heavy weight she couldn’t carry. She fell to a seat on thecouch next to Carly, practically melting into it. “Everything. Everything went to shit.”

“He didn’t take it well? Your boss?”

Piper couldn’t help letting out a bitter laugh. “Uh, no, Carly. No, he did not. He took it pretty fucking poorly.”

“Are you in trouble?”
