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"Did you hear that?" He asks, setting aside a half-eaten sandwich.

"Hear what?" I pause, straining my ears, but all I pick up is the gurgle of the hot spring and the gentle swish of leaves.

"Stay here." Emrys rises to his feet, brushing crumbs from his lap. He moves toward the sound with the quiet confidence of someone who's not afraid to face the unknown.

"Be careful," I call out after him, a twinge of worry threading through my voice. "It could be another jaguar."

"Or a very ferocious rabbit," he replies without looking back, the humor returning to his voice.

I watch as he parts the foliage, his movements deliberate and gentle. There's a tense moment, a hush that falls over the clearing, and then a tiny mewl breaks the silence.

"Kat, come here!"

His voice has lost its teasing edge, replaced with something softer, almost awestruck. Curiosity getting the better of me, I scramble to my feet and hurry over to where he's crouched down.

Peering through the greenery, I spot a tuft of fur nestled among the leaves. A lost kitten, its eyes wide and scared, peers back at us. Its coat is as dark as the night sky, and it's so small, I can feel a protective swell in my chest just looking at it.

"Hey there, little one," Emrys coos, extending a hand slowly towards the kitten. It hesitates for a breath before inching closer, sniffing his fingers before allowing a tentative stroke. "Looks like we've made a new friend," he says, glancing up at me with those deep eyes that seem to pull me closer without even trying.

"Seems like it," I reply, my heart warming at the sight. The kitten's vulnerability, the gentle way Emrys interacts with it–it's a scene straight out of a romance novel, and I'm unexpectedly cast as the leading lady.

The energy between us shifts subtly, charged with something new as we share this tender moment. It's a connection, unspoken yet palpable, and it makes the air around us thrum with potential.

"Let's get back to the blanket," Emrys suggests, scooping up the kitten with care. "Our picnic just gained an extra guest."

"Sounds perfect," I agree, following him back to our spot by the waterfall, the flutter in my chest a mix of excitement for the unexpected turn the day has taken and the growing bond I feel with the man beside me.

Emrys returns, the orphaned kitten nestled securely in his arms. I can't help the grin that stretches across my face as he sets the tiny furball down next to me on the blanket. Its wide, curious eyes are a clear shade of moonlight, and something about its quiet, trusting gaze strikes a chord deep within me.

"Look at you, Luna," I whisper, the name slipping out naturally as if it's been waiting for this very moment. The kitten–Luna–mews softly, her voice a delicate note against the symphony of the waterfall.

"Perfect name," Emrys says, his approval warming me more than the balmy, tropical air. He's sprawled beside me, legs crossed, an easy smile playing on his lips that tells me he's just as taken with our new companion as I am.

I reach out slowly, letting Luna sniff my finger before she butts her head against my hand, demanding attention. Her trust is instant, and my heart swells with a protective tenderness. There's something magical about saving a creature together, about watching Emrys' large hands stroke Luna's small body with such care.

"Your turn," I tell him after a while, passing Luna into his hold. I watch, fascinated, as the kitten clambers onto his chest, kneading at his shirt with her paws before curling up into a ball, her purrs vibrating through the air.

"Looks like someone's made herself right at home," he chuckles, his gaze flickering up to meet mine. It's a look full of shared secrets and silent promises, the kind that makes my stomach flip-flop in the most delightful way.

"Seems like we're stuck with each other now. We’ll have to draw up some kind of custody agreement," I tease, nudging his side with my elbow.

"Stuck with you, huh?" He muses, a playful challenge lacing his tone. "There are worse fates."

We spend the next stretch of time lost in our own little world, with only the sounds of the water and Luna's contented purrs as our only soundtrack. Emrys and I alternate entertaining the playful kitten, and with every gentle touch and soft laugh we share, the connection between us solidifies.

It's not just the kitten drawing us together; it's the recognition of something kindred in each other, a pull that goes beyond words. And as Luna finally curls up in a ball on the blanket and drifts off to sleep, the soft moonlight dapples the ground, painting patterns of light and shadow across Emrys' face. He's watching me with those intense eyes of his, a smirk dancing on the edge of his lips that suggests he knows exactly what effect he has on me.

It's infuriating—and exhilarating.

"Care for another strawberry?" He asks, his tone casual, but there's nothing casual about the way his fingers brush mine as I take the offered fruit. A spark zips up my arm, setting every nerve ending alight.

"Thanks," I murmur, trying to sound unaffected, but the lingering touch is like a live wire between us. I can tell he feels it too; his hand hesitating before pulling away, his gaze holding mine just a tad too long.

I pop the strawberry into my mouth, the sweet tartness bursting across my tongue. But it’s Emrys' gaze that I'm feasting on, the way it flits from my lips to my eyes, heavy with something more than hunger for food. My heart thuds in my chest, a wild rhythm that matches the rush of the waterfall nearby.

"Kat, have you ever been swimming in a hot spring?" His voice breaks the charged silence, a low rumble that seems to vibrate through the air itself.

"Can't say that I have," I reply, the corner of my mouth lifting in a half-smile. "Why? Planning to change that?"

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