Page 4 of Glitch

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“Incoming call. Priority status.” Abel’s fucking AI chimes and has me damn near falling off the table.

“Here,” Makayla heads me my phone but can’t hide her frown of disapproval.

“WHAT?” I answered without looking at who was calling.

“Church,” Wolf growls and hangs up.


So much for relaxing. I sigh and sit up.

“Sorry, Erin. I have a work emergency.” I hop off the table and pass by Makayla, who’s watching me with her arms crossed.

“You could have said no.” She hisses at me.

It’s an old ass argument. She knows that’s not how the club life works. No matter how much she may resent them she sure does love the lifestyle we live because of them. I ignore her attitude while I get dressed, and when I’m in my jeans and cut, I pop into the kitchen where the women are chatting, finishing off the wine from earlier.

“I should be home soon.” I hope, like hell, that’s not a lie, but since I’m flying blind with no info, I’m going to make it happen somehow.

“It’s fine. Just be careful.” Makayla says, which makes me think she’s ok with me leaving until I go to kiss her goodbye, and she turns her face.

I pull back in shock but decide not to comment on it. I have bigger problems to deal with, and her throwing a fit isn’t one of them.

“Love you,” I say, almost on autopilot.

That should have been my first clue, really. My second was that she didn’t say it back. But most importantly…

I didn’t care.



“Y’all sure are living the fancy life up here.” I keep my grin on my face as we wait for the other club members to file in.

I’m not exactly here to deliver good news and I hate disappointing family.

“You make it sound like that block of property Seer has in New Orleans is a shack.” Wolf chuckles at me, and I shrug.

“It makes for a mighty fine place to rest our head.” I fucking love our clubhouse.

The only thing better would be a ranch. The way I miss Texas hurts my soul. Every time I call my mama, it reminds me of how long it’s been since I visited home. I’m going to have to rectify that soon.

“Kooper?” I smile at the music of my name leaving Lacey’s mouth.

“Hey there, Sugar. Miss me?” She rolls her eyes at me, but I see the way her lips pull up.

“As much as a sailor misses a penicillin shot during fleet week.” I cringe at that, and she laughs.

“Who hurt you, Darlin’?” I kiss her cheek and then lead her to her tech setup in the corner of the room.

“It’s just another day in paradise.” She mutters, and I chuckle.

“What has Cannibal done now?” She sighs as she slumps in her chair.

“He fucking left.” I raise an eyebrow at her, but before I can ask, Wolf is calling us all to order.

“Shut the fuck up, sit the hell down. We got in trouble. Seer sent Cowboy up to fill us in. This is your show.” All eyes turn to me, and I feel like a hooker in Church asked to give the sermon.
