Page 6 of Glitch

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“Well, he thought we could finally get King off his ass and into his seat at the head of the table if we got him his old lady back. Besides rumor has it he’s been seen training in LA. If we approach him with the right intel, he might just pony up.” I tap a picture on the screen of Alejandro sitting in a club with a cigar in one hand and a pretty young woman in his other.

She doesn’t look happy or willing to be there with him.

“We hit him where it hurts and make him come back to the US,” Spark says, and I nod.

“Exactly. We cut off his flow of woman.” Easier said than done, I know, but if anyone can figure it out, it’s Lacey.

I watch her working over all the info on the flash drive, and I watch as her face lights up. Well, that didn’t take long. Her face turns to fine mine, and I swallow hard because, god damn, is this woman fucking gorgeous.

Leave it to me to fall for a woman not remotely interested in the male sex.

“You got something?” I drop my eyes to break the contact that was causing me a problem in my pants.

“Yup. Blow up his supply chain.” I arch an eyebrow because Spark and I just discussed that.

“No, literally. Blow up the docks,” Glitch says with a slightly manic smile.

Oh, that’s dark and fucking perfect.

“Remind me to never cross you, Little Lady.”



Kooper is avoiding eye contact and it’s leaving me feeling weird. We’ve always worked well together and I’ve always considered him a close friend. But now her acting shady and I don’t fucking like it.

“I need space to work.” I look at Wolf who nods.

“Alright, everyone out. Glitch is off-limits until we’re set. This is priority number one.” I sigh at his words, knowing I’ll still get bombarded with requests—they’ll just all start with ‘when you have time’.

I need to clone myself.

“Cowboy, stick around. I have questions for you.” I call out when I see him trying to run out of the room.

What the fuck is up with him?

Everyone leaves, and we’re left awkwardly, not staring at each other. He sits down near my setup and taps his fingers on his thigh, and stares to hum. Oh, fuck this.

“Are we good? Why are you acting strange?” He sighs and takes off his signature Stetson carefully placing it on the table before leaning into his thighs to rest his elbows on his knees.

“Just a personal problem I’d rather not discuss. Sorry if it’s spilling over.” I frown.

“We normal talk about everything and anything. Are you saying you no longer trust me?” The look of shock on his face shows me that I’m way off base.

“Fuck Lacey, I trust you with my life. I just don’t want to overburden you.” I am not grateful that, for once, someone in this club is taking my personal feelings to heart.

“Thanks. I appreciate that, but I can’t handle this weirdness right now. So how about I tell you what’s stressing me out? The none club related shit.” He grins and nods.

“Deal.” I turn back to my laptop and continue typing in the code I was working on.

“Makayla wants to have a baby.” Cowboy’s reaction isn’t what I thought at all.

He freezes and stops breathing.

“Um, how?” I roll my eyes cause it’s such a guy thing to say.

“You know it’s the twenty-first century. Same-sex couples have been having children for decades now. But to answer your question, that’s the stressful part. She wants a biological child, and I want to adopt.” Cowboy leans back and crosses his arms.
