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“Fine. You focus on Clawson, and I’ll keep looking for Ridge,” I didn’t have time to argue. Finding my mate was my top priority, even if it meant leaving Margo behind to fend for herself.

“Good luck!” she called after me, her voice barely audible over the din of the battle.

“I’m gonna need it,” I replied, plunging back into the fray. My senses were on high alert, every nerve tingling with adrenaline as I searched for any sign of Ridge. “Watch out!” someone yelled as a body slammed into the wall right next to me. I winced, the impact reverberating through my bones. The scent of blood intensified, as did the snarls and growls.

“All right, you stubborn wolves. If you won’t listen to reason, maybe it’s time for a little tough love,” I muttered. “Hey!” I shouted, grabbing the arm of a nearby shifter who was about to land a punch on another wolf. “Knock it off.”

“Who the hell do you think you are?” he snarled, baring his teeth at me.

“Your worst nightmare, if you do not back down right now.” The words came out more confidently than I felt, but it seemed to do the trick because he retreated.

“Okay,” I mumbled. “One down, a million more to go.” Clutching my throat, I fought to keep my fear and panic at bay. I couldn’t afford to shift. I had to find Ridge and restore order before this situation spiraled even further out of control.

“Ridge, where the hell are you?” I called out, my voice cracking with desperation. But there was no answer, just the ongoing sounds of chaos and violence that threatened to drown me in their dark embrace.

“Please,” I begged, tears pricking at the corners of my eyes. “I need you.”

“Ridge!” I shouted again, louder this time, my voice barely audible over the din of howls, snarls, and breaking furniture. “Ridge, where are you?”

“Over here,” came a strained voice from somewhere across the room. It sounded like Ridge, but I couldn’t see him through the throng of fighting shifters. My anxiety threatened to overwhelm me.

“Are you okay?” I crouched to try to find him in the mass of bodies.

“Fine, just stuck.” He didn’t sound fine.

“Stay there. I’m coming.” I pushed and shoved my way toward him.

My wolf was practically clawing at my insides, desperate to get out and find Ridge. I had to stay human, had to keep a clear head. Sucking in a deep breath, I tried to block out the noise and focus on what had to be done. Ridge needed me, and I was not going to let him down.

It was slow-going, with people pushing and pulling in every direction, but I was determined. “Coming through! Move it or lose it, furballs!”

“Who the hell are you calling a furball?” a woman snarled in my face.

“Anyone who gets in my fucking way!” I pushed past her as a man threw a punch at someone to my left.

“Feisty little thing, aren’t you?” he growled and ducked to avoid someone else’s fist.

“Damn right I am. Now move!”

Finally, after an eternity of pushing and shoving, I reached Ridge. He was pinned against a wall, caught between two hulking shifters who were too busy snarling at each other to notice him.

“Hey!” I shoved the nearest one on the shoulder. “You two fur-brains want to take your pissing contest somewhere else? You’re squishing my mate.”

“Your mate?” The first wolf looked me up and down, his lip curling in disdain. “What’s he doing with a runt like you?”

“Watch your mouth, buddy,” Ridge snarled, though he was still stuck. “That runt is mine, and she’s worth ten of you.”

“Aw, how sweet,” the second shifter sneered. “You know what they say—finders keepers. We found him first.”

“Like hell you did,” I spat, balling my fists. “Back off before I make you regret it.”

“Ha. You think you can take us, little girl? You must be delusional.”

“Maybe. Or maybe I’m just really good at kicking ass.”

“Empty threats,” the first wolf scoffed. “Let’s see if you can actually back them up.”

I lunged forward, using every ounce of my hunter training to incapacitate the wolves without shifting. My body moved with precision, ducking and weaving as I struck out at their vulnerable spots.
