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Was it because of the fated mates thing? He believed wholeheartedly that fate had determined we belonged together. Was he hoping I’d come around? But I couldn’t be so certain that our fate was predetermined. There was no way I could follow Ridge’s lead and keep pretending.

I turned my attention back to Margo. “Actually…” I sighed. “I’m not sure the wedding will go on with all this unrest and the hunters in town, not to mention all the new shifters. Ridge has so much on his plate, it doesn’t seem right.”

Margo’s mouth twisted in dismay, but she understood Ridge’s first priority had to be the town. “That’s not fair to you, Tori.”

“Life isn’t always fair,” I said, trying to hide my relief. The hunters’ attack was a convenient excuse for postponing my fake wedding. As for Ridge’s fated mate claim, I forcefully pushed all thoughts of that to the deepest recesses of my mind.

“Yeah, but a wedding is such a joyous occasion, and it could be a boost for the town,” Margo mused. “I get where you’re coming from, though. The new shifters…” She trailed off, her expression turning serious. “I’ve seen quite a few around town,and some of them are giving me bad vibes. My wolf itches just from being near them.”

“My wolf is acting up, too,” I admitted. Thank God it wasn’t just me. I’d started to think my feral side was coming out again.

“It has to be a territorial thing,” Margo said. “I’ve lived here my whole life and never had to deal with new packs before. And I’ve never had to deal with being in another pack’s territory, so it makes sense that things will be more turbulent now. The shifters roaming around town are uncomfortable. Add the hunters into the mix, and we need to find a way to create some harmony.” Her eyes scanned the different shifters walking around town.

Since I’d arrived in town alone, it had never occurred to me that the wolves seeking refuge here would be on edge because of animal instincts driving them to own their territory. Talk about adding to Ridge’s responsibilities.

The thought of Ridge mediating between the packs and dealing with the influx of new shifters made me worry about him. He already had so much on his plate, and our supposed fated mate bond and my reluctance to talk about it was yet another thing he’d have to contend with. I wanted to find a way to ease his burdens; I’d hate it if he broke down because of his responsibilities. He was the last person who deserved that.

Margo interrupted my thoughts. “We need to help them feel more welcome here in Blackwood Creek. Maybe we can organize another Howl or an event to bring everyone together. And according to the Magpies, Ridge called for a pack meeting tonight in the clearing. I’m not sure what it’s about, but hopefully, it’ll help ease some of the tension. I can ask around if others are interested.”

“Oh, Ridge has to reschedule the meeting tonight,” I said. “Can you spread that around?”

“Sure thing.” Margo grabbed her phone and started texting.

“I need to get going,” I said. The day’s events were finally catching up to me, and I was glad I didn’t have to attend the shifter meeting tonight. All I wanted to do was go back to the manor, crawl into bed, and sleep.

“See you later, Tori,” Margo said, offering a supportive smile.

As I walked back to Ridge’s place, the fresh air and solitude cleared my mind and helped me decompress. The streets were quiet, but the tension in the air was palpable. My wolf remained on edge, sensing the unease among the new shifters in town, but for once, I wasn’t panicking about going feral or shifting. I was at ease with her inside me. We were a team, and it was wonderful to recognize our synergy.

The new packs might have been shaking up Blackwood Creek’s relatively peaceful existence, but I needed to rest, gather my strength, and prepare myself for whatever news Ridge had to share when he made it home.


Stumbling over my feet, I couldn’t believe how easily that word came to me. But what was harder to believe was that it did not make me feel constricted in any way.

When I finally reached Ridge’s house, I hesitated outside the door, taking a deep breath to calm myself. I had so much to discuss with him, but I desperately needed to get some sleep. As I stepped inside the house, the all-too-familiar scents of Ridge enveloped me, providing a small measure of comfort. But as I took in the aftermath of the hunters’ attack, anger surged through me.

Blood pounding in my ears, I cautiously made my way across the scarred floor, glass crunching under my feet. The hallway was a somber place, with the windows boarded up above the front door. Turning on the overhead light only revealed more destruction. The walls bore the evidence of Kyle and Audrey’s struggle against the hunters, with Audrey’s blood still smearedin places. I knew Ridge had the finances to rebuild and redecorate, but for me, the memory would serve as a constant reminder of the fight I’d brought to Ridge’s home and how close I’d come to losing my brother.

Chapter 4


Clawson and I spent the better part of the day on high alert, greeting the crowds of new shifters pouring into Blackwood Creek and searching for any signs of potential threats among them, or hunters using the confusion as cover. The gravity of the situation sank in with every new shifter seeking refuge in town. My wolf bristled, wary of all the unknown shifters. Still, we had to present a united front for our latest residents and our common enemy.

Every shifter we spoke to seemed travel-weary but grateful for our hospitality, which helped ease our fears somewhat. They approached us cautiously, unsure if they could trust us just yet. Which was understandable. Some were survivors who had seen the hunters decimate their packs. Others had run before the hunters could find them. Their hesitation and heartbreak only fueled my desire to create a haven for our kind. Our common enemy was evolving into a relentless threat. The world was becoming more dangerous for shifters by the minute. Now, more than ever, we needed to stand together.

“We appreciate your kindness and allowing us to stay here,” a young female shifter with auburn hair said. She clutched a smallchild in her arms, his head buried in her shoulder. “We’ve been on the run for weeks.”

“Of course,” I said, nodding. “You can rest easy knowing that Blackwood Creek is a place where your safety is paramount.”

While I tried to make an effort to reassure, I wasn’t sure I came across as believable. These shifters had been through so much. Pretty words wouldn’t change anything for them.

“Ridge, come meet this couple,” Clawson called out from the other side of the clearing. He motioned me over, and I walked through the crowd of worn-out wolves.

“Jared, Mary, this is Ridge, our pack alpha,” Clawson introduced me to the duo standing before him. Their disheveled appearance and bloodshot eyes told me they’d had a rough time.

“Hi,” Jared greeted me with a weak smile, extending an arm to shake my hand. Mary clung to his side, her grip tight on his waist. “We’ve traveled all the way from Michigan and had some difficulties during the journey.”
