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Jaxon’s eyes widened with surprise and delight. “That’s fantastic, Tori. I’m sure you’ll enjoy it.”

“Maybe.” My uncertainty was honest, but I tried to brush it aside. “Who knows? It’s possible I need to do it to feel more connected to my wolf.”

“Exactly.” Jaxon’s enthusiasm was contagious. “There’s something special about running with your own kind, especially as a wolf. The connection is just different. Running with other supernatural beings, like lion shifters or vampires…it just wasn’tthe same. I’m excited for tonight.” His tone gentled. “You’ll never know unless you try, right?”

“Right.” His words gave me a small surge of confidence. My gaze shifted to Ridge, who was chatting with Diana as they stood at the B&B’s front door. Across the road, in the park, I watched preschool-aged children run around with boundless energy, their innocent laughter filling the air. Their parents either stood on the sidelines, talking together with one eye on their child, or were in the playground, pushing their offspring on the swings.

“Speaking of other paranormal beings,” I began, tucking a strand of hair behind my ear as I tried to sound casual, “have you met any witches during your travels? Maybe ones who could help someone who’s just discovered her powers?”

Jaxon’s eyebrows raised to his hairline. “I’ve come across a few witches in my time. I am not well-informed about their practices, but I am aware they have established rules for teaching newcomers with the gift. A witch shouldn’t ignore a potential new witch. Refusing to train one is considered extremely bad luck.”

“Really?” That excited me. This might be the answer to helping Lola and possibly even Zander. Cautiously, I placed a small amount of trust in Jaxon. “I have a friend who is into genealogy. When she found out she was descended from witches who came from this area, she moved here to find out more. I didn’t know any of this until I accidentally shifted in front of her. Not one of my finest moments.” I gave Jaxon a wry smile. “Ridge and I both spoke to her, and she promised to keep our secret, but it made her think, if shifters were real, then magic might be, too, so she shared her ancestry with me. We’ve discovered that she has magic, but there are no resources to guide her, noWitching for Dummiesor a ‘How to Witch’ app. She needs someone to help her explore her magical abilities further.”

“Witches usually steer clear of other paranormal beings to protect themselves from exploitation. There are so many stories of dark witches working with the hunters, but in my experience, there are far more good than bad.” Jaxon scratched his stubbled chin thoughtfully. “There is a witch. It’s been a long while since we’ve spoken, but I trust her. If you’d like, I can reach out to her and let her know there’s a new witch who needs to be mentored.”

“Would you?” Relief and gratitude surged through me. “That would mean so much to me, Jaxon. Thank you.”

“Of course.” A warm smile spread across his face. “Anything for my daughter.”

The words sent a nervous thrill through me. I smiled back, trying to get used to the idea of having a father who seemed genuinely interested in my life and well-being. The little girl inside me wanted to hug him with all my heart. However, the adult version of me knew that we still needed to make a little more progress before I’d be comfortable doing that.

If Jaxon was aware of my internal struggle, he never acknowledged it. He simply kept the conversation flowing. “If the witch agrees to help, it will be a wonderful opportunity for your friend. It’s just imperative to keep in mind that witches can be unpredictable.”

“Unpredictable how?” I asked, suddenly apprehensive. I didn’t want to put Lola in danger.

“Every witch is different,” he explained. “Some are more secretive and guarded, while others can be more open and welcoming. The important thing is to approach them with respect and an open mind.”

“Understood.” I nodded. “I’ll keep that in mind if we meet her.”

“Good,” he said. “Now, I don’t want to monopolize your time. I should let you get back to the rest of your day. I’ll see you at the run tonight, Tori.”

“See you there.”

I watched as he walked away.

Several hours later, with the night sky painted in hues of purple and orange, Ridge and I left the manor, our hands clasped, anticipation thrumming through my veins. We made our way to the edge of the woods, a little distance away from where Margo had asked all the shifters to meet. The forest loomed ahead, shadows deepening as twilight cast its spell over the landscape.

We approached the dense woodland, shadows dappling the ground. The fading light of twilight enveloped the forest. The air grew cooler, carrying a gentle breeze that moved through the leaves, creating a rustling symphony that added to the ambiance.

I grinned, inhaling the scent of damp earth and decaying leaves. My wolf stirred within me, eager to stretch her legs and run alongside others of her own kind, but mostly she was looking forward to seeing Ridge’s powerful form again. I took an apprehensive breath and removed the warm robe, folding it neatly and placing it safely out of sight. Unaccustomed to being naked in front of so many shifters, Ridge had encouraged me to wear something easy to take off and cover myself with quickly if I returned to this spot. He’d also suggested we shift before reaching Margo’s rendezvous point so I wouldn’t be overwhelmed.

“Ready?” Ridge asked, his eyes piercing and unguarded. He stood naked in the moonlight, his chiseled form before me. The soft glow highlighted every contour of his muscular legs and body, resembling a statue carved from marble.

“More than ever.” Despite the butterflies flitting in my stomach, my voice was steady.

Together, we shifted. Ridge’s form melted and reshaped with practiced ease, and then his wolf stood beside me. He was a large, powerful wolf, with thick black fur, his silvery gray eyes watching me intently. I wondered if he was concerned that I’d change my mind. I hadn’t, but this was all still so new to me.

It took a moment to connect with my wolf and allow her to guide the transformation. Finally, my smaller wolf form emerged, the tawny fur covering me. My senses sharpened, and the world burst into life around me. The forest transformed into a vivid, immersive environment with rustling leaves, distant owl hoots, and the rich scent of damp soil and moss.

Ridge brushed against me, his thick fur warm and comforting, and then he took the lead. We ran, our paws thudding on the ground as we went to meet with Margo. She had arranged for boundary lines to be set around a section of Blackwood Forest. The area would be closely monitored and patrolled, creating a safe location for shifters to run without the possibility of humans stumbling upon us or hunters posing a threat.

As we neared the meeting spot, I sensed the presence of other shifters, their excitement palpable in the cool night air. Ridge and I exchanged glances, our wolves’ eyes communicating wordless understanding and affection.

We entered the clearing, and the sight of so many wolves gathered in one place was both exhilarating and intimidating. I stopped in my tracks. The last time I’d run with other wolves hadn’t been by choice. My wolf had burst through the restraints I’d forced upon her and taken over. She’d overwhelmed me completely, and when I became a suspect in a murder, I’d doubted my innocence as I had no memory of the time she’d been in control. This time, however, I had a newfound confidence. My wolf and I were finally on the same page, neither of us vying for control but working together in harmony. Itthrilled me, and it saddened me that I’d denied her this part of our life. Reaching out with my mind, I apologized to my wolf.

Ridge, realizing I’d stopped, trotted back over to me. He brushed his powerful body against me, as if lending me his strength. His eyes gleaming with excitement, he looked at me as though asking if I was ready.

I was. Despite the fluttering in my stomach, I truly was.
