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We joined the gathering. I was surprised that I recognized familiar scents in the sea of fur even though I’d never seen them in their wolf forms before. Diana, Margo, Clawson, Audrey Greenthorne, and so many other shifters from town were here, their wolf forms revealing unique markings and expressions. Although their body shapes had changed, their essence remained the same. Even when I’d been in my human form, my wolf had diligently worked to remember the scent of each shifter we met.

The energy was infectious, and it didn’t take long for my anxiety to be replaced by pure joy as we ran through the woods. It was amazing. My wolf and I soared through the dense forest, our paws gracefully navigating the fallen logs and dodging the reaching branches. The crisp scent of pine filled the air, and moonlight filtered through the canopy, casting dappled shadows onto the forest floor. The rhythmic pounding of our paws echoed in my ears, harmonizing with the rustling leaves and the distant call of nocturnal birds. The exhilaration of running with a pack, united in purpose, was an unexpected revelation. Determined not to let regret taint this experience, I silently conveyed my remorse to my wolf, promising that from here on out, we’d work together to maintain the delicate balance between us.

More wolves joined us from neighboring packs, their presence announced by the rustling of leaves and the thump of paws hitting the ground. My wolf knew every one of them and to which pack they belonged by scent. Among them werealphas Isaac Frost and Brett Longtail, their powerful strides commanding attention and respect.

My gaze drifted to my biological father, who had also joined the run. His wolf bore a similar network of scars that crisscrossed his body as his human form, serving as a reminder of the hardships he’d faced. I wondered about the stories behind each mark, the battles he’d fought and survived.

Jaxon was a strong wolf. He’d been through hell, but he was still standing. Maybe one day, I’d be brave enough to ask him about it. Ridge had advised me earlier to take my time with it. He was right. I was just starting to build a relationship with this man, and that wouldn’t happen overnight.

Howls rippled through the air, harmonizing with the rustling leaves and crisp night breeze. As I threw back my head and let out a howl of my own, I marveled at how close I felt to the pack around me.

To my surprise, some of the wolves nearest to me paused in their tracks, cowering and tilting their head so their neck was on display. I saw the same thing happen when I looked at the wolves nearest to Ridge and Jaxon—they were baring their throats, the weakest part of their body, showing their submission. The wolves surrounding me were recognizing me as an alpha, just like any of the leaders among us.

I’d heard Jaxon tell everyone I was an alpha, but I hadn’t truly thought of the implications. These men were treating me exactly the same as my fiancé and father.

I looked to see Ridge’s reaction, worried that this moment would be when he realized the implications of me being a fellow alpha. Instead of looking repelled, his wolf seemed amused by my reaction, and I saw pride shining through his beautiful silvery gray eyes. He dipped his head slightly towards me, then ran off with the pack. I followed, my wolf and I working together, neither of us fighting for control.

The pack ran together as one, our paws pounding the earth in unison. The exhilaration of running wild under the moonlit sky with such a diverse group of shifters was unlike anything I’d ever experienced. Each stride gave me a rush of confidence and freedom.

I was starting to truly be at ease, to feel at peace with my wolf, when Ridge’s wolf nipped at my flank, getting my attention. He darted off through the trees, his tail wagging as he glanced back at me. He wanted to race.

Ha! Challenge accepted.

We wove through the forest, dodging branches and leaping over boulders and fallen stumps. My lungs burned, my muscles ached, but I pushed myself harder than ever before, determined to beat Ridge to the manor. As we neared our destination, I saw that I had only just managed to pull ahead of him.

With a final burst of energy, I crossed the invisible finish line first, panting heavily, my tongue lolling out of my mouth in a grin. Ridge caught up a second later, tackling me playfully to the ground.

It was perfect. My wolf had retreated, and I shifted back to human once more. Ridge followed suit, and we found ourselves wrapped in each other’s arms, our lips pressing together with an urgency that stole my breath.

“Come on.” I pulled him to his feet. “We don’t have much time before everyone arrives.”

The moment Ridge and I stepped into the manor, our lips crashed together, a whirlwind of passion and desire igniting between us. The raw power of our wolf forms still simmered beneath our skin, heightening our adrenaline. Our tongues twined as we explored each other’s mouths.

“Ridge.” I gasped, sliding my hands up his muscular shoulders to his neck and pulling him closer. “I need you.”

A low growl rumbled in his throat, and his eyes blazed with the same emotion that burned within me. Nipping at my bottom lip, he picked me up and carried me to the living room, laying me down on the soft rug by the crackling fireplace.

The intensity of our desire surged through my veins, setting every nerve ending ablaze. As his hands traced the path from my trembling lips down to the hollow of my collarbone, a shiver ran down my spine, igniting a cascade of goosebumps across my skin. My heartbeat quickened in anticipation.

With each deliberate stroke, his fingers moved with purpose and precision, exploring every dip and rise, awakening sensations that had been dormant. His touch sparked a primal hunger that yearned to be sated. Every gentle caress, every lingering touch, evoked an exquisite ache that mingled pleasure with a delicious torment. I surrendered to the sensation, arching my back to offer him unrestricted access.

“God, Tori,” he whispered against my ear, his voice strained with desire. “You have no idea what you do to me.”

“Show me.” I tangled my fingers in his hair, guiding his lips back to mine.

Ridge’s lips met mine, his caresses further igniting a fiery passion within me. His warm breath caressed my throat as he trailed kisses down my skin. I shivered in delight as his mouth traced a path that left my hard nipples aching for more. My need for him intensified, and I craved his touch, his lips, anything to quench fire raging within me. He took my nipple into his mouth, teeth grazing over the sensitive flesh, driving me wild with pleasure.

Ridge rose above me, his erection standing proud from his body, and languidly stroked himself as he stared into my eyes. With his free hand, he stroked my slit, his thumb rubbing over my clit as he slipped his fingers into me. A moan tore free from me as he withdrew his hand. He lowered himself ontome, his hard cock plunging into me, filling and stretching me so wonderfully. He set an unrelenting rhythm that melded our bodies together. Our surroundings faded into insignificance as we became lost in a boundless ocean of pleasure, the only sounds that of our gasps and moans. The primal instincts of our wolves threatened to overtake us, urging us to claim each other completely, to solidify our bond in the most intimate way possible.

I ignored the urge to bite down on Ridge’s shoulder, to mark him as mine. The knowledge that our friends would be arriving soon kept me from giving in to temptation, but only just. Instead, I buried my face in his neck, inhaling his intoxicating scent. Our bodies moved in perfect synchronization, and waves of pleasure surged through me. I felt Ridge’s muscles tense, and his release flooded my womb as a warm, pulsating sensation spread through my core.

We lay on the floor, intertwined in a languid tangle of limbs, basking in the aftermath of our wild abandon, breathing heavily.

All too soon, we heard voices drifting from the forest, signaling the others’ imminent arrival. We shared a brief, frantic glance, then scrambled to the bedroom to get dressed and rushed back downstairs to straighten the disarray.

“Quick, grab those plates,” I said breathlessly as I arranged the food on the table. “Everyone will think we came back early to set up.”

The door swung open, and Audrey Greenthorne walked in, a mischievous grin plastered on her face. She leaned in, nose twitching. “Not sure why you’re trying to hide it. Anyone with half a shifter’s nose would be able to tell what you two were getting up to.” She laughed. “The pheromones are off the charts.”
