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“Camila, we really need to know where your mom is so we can help her and your brother,” I said. “We aren’t here to judge you. We just want to help, I promise.” I tried for a firm but reassuring tone. I hadn’t spent a lot of time around young shifters, and I was doing my best to treat the girl with kindness and respect. As an alpha, I could force her to talk, but I didn’t want to traumatize this kid any further.

Camila took a deep breath, then the words tumbled out of her mouth. “I knew if I asked Mom to let me come here on my own, she’d say no, so I waited until she fell asleep. I stole some of the money she had in her bag and left a note. I was sure if I got here, someone could help my mom and Gabe and make them better and bring them here so we can be safe. Dad said we’d be protected in Blackwood Creek.”

Her delicate frame shook again, and Tori pulled her closer, whispering soothing words into her ear. My heart broke for Camila and her family. They didn’t deserve this suffering.

“Listen to me, Camila.” I caught her gaze for a second in the rearview mirror before looking back at the road. “We’ll do everything we can to bring your family to safety. We’re going to our house to pack some things, and then we’ll leave right away.”

“Really? You promise?” Camila sniffled, looking up at me with hope in her eyes.

“Absolutely.” Rage pumped up my adrenaline. “We won’t let the hunters win.”

“I’m coming with you,” Tori said, looking resolute. I’d known she’d refuse to be left behind, and I fought the urge to insist she stay here so I could keep her away from the hunters. But I didn’t have to fight it too hard because I didn’t want to leave my unmarked mate alone. Who would protect her if I wasn’t here? I couldn’t ask Clawson. He and Margo were still so new to their bond, it wouldn’t be fair to ask that of either of them.

With our mating bond incomplete, I couldn’t risk Longtail or any of the other alphas who’d been involved in the recent power games trying something reckless with my mate. An engagement ring meant nothing to shifters. As far as they were concerned, she was fair game while she was unmarked.

If she was with me, I could protect her and be sure none of those idiots would try anything.

“Camila, where are your mother and brother hiding?” I asked.

“In a hotel room in Cedar Rapids, Iowa,” she said. “My mom must be so scared. I can’t even call her because we left our phones in the apartment when we ran, so I can’t let her know I made it and that we’re on our way. We need to hurry, please.”

Fucking hell, Cedar Rapids was at least a five-hour drive from where we were in Pennsylvania. I’d thought she was going to say somewhere close by, not a different fucking state. How on earth had Camila gotten here?

I didn’t want to question her anymore right now. She looked terrified and exhausted. I needed to make sure she knew we’d keep our promise.

We finally arrived at the manor. I stopped the car and quickly pulled out my phone to make arrangements. “I’ll have my private jet prepared at the airfield,” I said. “We’ll leave as soon as we’re ready.”

Camila didn’t say anything. When I turned in the driver’s seat, I found her staring at Blackwood Manor, her eyes about aswide as they could be. Looking at it through her eyes, I supposed it was impressive, but I knew that a lot of its shiny surface was tarnished by its history.

Tori and I quickly sat Camila in the kitchen with some food, explaining she’d be no use to anyone if she didn’t look after herself. As she ate, we went upstairs to gather a few things, including the last of the witch pills for Camila’s injured family. As we were about to go downstairs and leave, Tori stopped me. Without saying a word, she moved into my arms and rested her head against my chest. We stood in silence for a moment.

I didn’t hear her cry, but I felt her tears for Camila soak through my shirt. I rubbed her back soothingly.

“I saw how you connected with Camila,” I said. “It was impressive. It would have been difficult for Clawson, Kyle, or me to do what you did without unintentionally scaring or overwhelming the poor kid. You got the information we needed from her so much faster. We’d still be trying to get her to open up and tell us everything that happened. We’re going to get her family back. I promise.”

Tori looked up, her eyes red, but she’d stopped crying. “Thank you for helping this kid. I’ve been in her shoes. I understand what it feels like to be hunted, to have your world turned upside down and not know who to trust. We have to reunite her with her family. Don’t try to convince me to stay here because you know I won’t. I’ve already said I’m coming with you, Ridge. I’m not letting Camila down.”

I nodded, a soft smile playing on my lips. “We’ll do everything we can to reunite her with her family. And as for you, I wouldn’t even attempt to persuade you to stay. I know you’re determined to be there. If I tried to stop you, you’d come, anyway. We’ll face the challenges together, and I swear I’ll keep you both safe.”

Tori clung to me for a few more minutes, reluctant to let go. Eventually, she released her grip and went into the closet. “After everything she’s been through, Camila’s bound to be traumatized,” she said. “In fact, they all will be. They’re going to need someone to speak to. I can relate to some of what they’ve gone through, but our circumstances were different. I didn’t watch my family get hurt or taken by hunters.” Tori’s voice trembled as she held back a sob. “Do you think when we return, Lola would speak to them? I know she’s not a shifter, but she’s learned so much from working with Zander. I’m no shrink, but trauma is trauma whether it’s human or shifter, right?”

Every time I believed I had Tori figured out, she threw another curveball and surprised me again. We hadn’t even left to get Hanna and Gabe, but already she was thinking about the help the family would need to heal in the weeks and months ahead. A deep well of pride swelled within me. She’d conquered so many challenges, and now this wonderful, thoughtful, resourceful woman stood by my side as my fated mate, no longerpretendingto be mine. She wastrulymine.

Tori held a clean shirt out to me. I grabbed it and her hand, pulling her back into my arms. I was amazed by her selflessness. Even though she was still upset, she’d gotten me a clean shirt to replace the one that was wet with tears.

“I think that’s a great idea,” I said. “We can reach out to Lola when we return. I’m sure she’ll want to help. Thanks, Tori. I hadn’t thought beyond getting the Garcia family back here.”

After finding a small t-shirt, Tori took Camila upstairs to change quickly. While I waited, I sent Clawson a text message:

Leaving for the airport. Heading to Cedar Rapids to get Camila’s mom and brother. I’ll keep in touch.

I was stowing our bags in the trunk when my phone rang. When I checked the display, I saw it was Clawson. I hurriedto answer, thinking he was calling to tell me he’d found out something about Camila’s family.

“Ridge, you better stop here before you leave,” he said.

“Why, what’s happened? Have you spoken to any of Camila’s family?” My words were rushed. I didn’t want to risk Camila coming outside and hearing me talk about her family. It would make her worry even more.

“No, nothing like that, but you need to come here before you go. It’s important.”
