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I thought back to the days when Uncle Vincent was still alive. They’d been such a loving and supportive couple. Now, with Lucille’s condition worsening, it pained me to see her so lost and alone.

“Have you been taking your medication?” I asked. “You know how important it is to fight off the feral side effects.”

“Of course. I take it every day,” she said, but her tone lacked conviction.

I leaned forward, searching her eyes for the truth. “Promise me you’ll keep taking them,” I said. “You’re the only family I have left, Aunt Lucille. I don’t want to lose you, too.”

She looked at me then, and for a moment, clarity returned to her eyes. “I promise, Ridge,” she said softly, reaching out to grip my hand. “I’ll do my best to stay with you.”

“Thank you.” I squeezed her hand.

We spent the next hour reminiscing about happier times, sharing stories of Uncle Vincent and laughing over old memories. As the sun dipped below the horizon, darkening the room, I stood up to leave.

“Take care of yourself, Aunt Lucille,” I said. “Please, call me if you need anything.”

“Goodbye, Ridge,” she said, closing the door behind me.

As I walked to my car, I couldn’t shake the sinking feeling in my gut. I wished there was more I could do to help her, but all I could do now was hope she would find the strength to fight off her feral side effects and stay with me a little longer.

All I wanted was to see my mate. I went to Tori’s tattoo shop, but the lights were off and nobody was there. I went to the café to see if she was with Margo, but Margo wasn’t working, and there was no sign of Tori. Getting concerned now, I went up to the training grounds. There were a group of twelve shifters from different packs working through drills, but still no sign of Tori.

I returned to town, my heart heavy as I desperately searched for Tori. Where could she be? Panic clawed at my chest, making it difficult to breathe. I couldn’t lose her, not after everything we’d been through.

My phone rang, the sudden noise jolting me out of my spiraling thoughts.

“Ridge,” Clawson said, and in the background, I heard Tori laughing hysterically. Relief flooded me.

“Where is she?” I demanded with a sigh, my nerves soothed at the sound of her laugh.

“Tipsy Tavern,” Clawson said, amusement evident in his tone. “Margo started this whole mess, but I’m taking her home now. You might want to come get your mate.”

“Thanks, Clawson.” I hung up and rushed to the tavern, my anxiety easing with each step. At least she was safe.

When I arrived, I found Tori sitting at the bar, her cheeks flushed and her eyes glazed.

Mateo huffed as he wiped down a glass. “I cut them off a while ago, but Margo kept sneaking drinks whenever my back was turned. Don’t worry, I’ve been keeping an eye on them.”

“Appreciate it, Mateo.” I clapped him on the shoulder before turning my attention to Tori. Seeing her drunk was a first, and my aggravation was quickly replaced with amusement. Her inhibitions had vanished, replaced with a flirtatiousness I hadn’t seen before.

“Hey there, handsome,” she slurred, wrapping her arms around my neck and pressing her lips against my skin. A shiver ran down my spine, but I gently pried her away.

“Come on, let’s get you home,” I said, guiding her toward the door. She giggled and stumbled to the car, making me wonder if she had ever allowed herself to let loose like this before. With her having lived her life on the run for so long, it seemed unlikely.

Tori babbled about her night with Margo, her words tripping over each other. Despite my earlier panic, I couldn’t help but be glad she was comfortable enough to enjoy herself and open up to her friends. This was a side of her I had never seen, and I hoped it wouldn’t be the last time.

I carried Tori from the car, her arms draped around my neck as she giggled and pressed sloppy kisses to my cheek. The scentof alcohol clung to her, a stark contrast to her own intoxicating aroma. I grinned down at her. She was going to have one hell of a headache when she woke up.

“Bed,” I ordered as I laid her down on the soft mattress. The moment I tried to pull away, her fingers fisted in my shirt, tugging me closer.

“Stay with me,” she slurred, her eyes half-lidded as she leaned in for another kiss. I caught her lips gently, but pulled back before she could deepen it.

“Rest, babe.” I brushed her hair out of her eyes. “You need sleep.”

“Ridge,” she whined, her hands roaming over my chest, fumbling with the buttons of my shirt. “I want you. I want to claim you now, and I want you to mark me, too.”

My body said yes instantly, desire flaring hot and insistent, but I had to be the responsible one. I grasped her wrists and pinned them above her head, immobilizing her with gentle but unyielding strength.

“Tori,” I said firmly but in no way unkindly. “We’re not having this conversation until you’re sober and thinking clearly.”
