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Her lower lip trembled, frustration and arousal warring in her expression. As her eyes finally drifted shut, my shoulders sagged with fatigue. I lay beside her, my own simmering desire a distant concern as sleep claimed me, too.

Morning light filtered through the gap in the curtains as I let myself back into the bedroom. I lay back down on the bed to enjoy the peace for five minutes before we’d have to start our day. Tori’s face was just inches from mine. Her breathing was slow and steady, her face flushed with sleep. I pressed a soft kiss to her forehead, her cheeks, the tip of her nose, and finally, her lips.

“Ugh.” She groaned, pulling away and burying her face in the pillow. “My head.”

“Here.” I handed her a glass of water and some aspirin. “This should help.”

“Thanks,” she mumbled, swallowing the pills before glancing at me sheepishly. “I don’t remember much from last night, but I’m pretty sure I made a fool of myself.”

“Nothing you need to worry about,” I said, stifling a chuckle. Part of me wondered if she remembered telling me she wanted us to claim each other, but I kept my promise not to bring it up. It would happen when she was ready—and not a moment sooner.

“Come on.” I helped her sit up. “I made you breakfast in bed. You need something in your stomach.”

“Ridge, you’re amazing.” She took the tray I offered with a grateful smile. As she ate, the color returned to her cheeks, her hangover gradually receding.

“All better?” I asked when she had finished eating.

“Much better,” she said, stretching like a languid cat. “Thanks to you.”

“Anytime.” I pressed another kiss to her lips. It was impossible not to feel a swell of affection for her. As we sat there, laughing softly over the remnants of breakfast, I knew I wouldn’t trade moments like these for anything in the world.

“Ridge, look at the time!” Tori suddenly exclaimed, bolting up from the bed. “We’re supposed to go see Lola try using magical therapy on Zander in thirty minutes. I totally forgot to tell you last night.”

I glanced at the clock. “Damn, we better get ready, then,” I said, quickly getting up and throwing on some clothes. Tori did the same, rushing to get dressed and fix her hair.

“Sorry about this,” she apologized as she grabbed her jacket. “It completely slipped my mind.”

“No need to apologize,” I said, giving her a quick kiss on the cheek. “We all have a lot on our plates right now.”

We hurried out of the house and drove to the hospital, where Zander was being kept under observation. When we arrived, Lola and Elliot Elkins were already there, waiting for us. A knot formed in my stomach, anxiety and anticipation gnawing at me.

“Thanks for coming, Ridge, Tori,” Lola said warmly, her jaw set with determination. Elliot nodded, and the man looked older, as if he had aged a decade since this ordeal started.

“Of course.” I tried to sound confident. “We’re happy to be here.”

Lola began the session with Zander by casting a spell, her hands weaving intricate patterns in the air as she chanted an incantation. A tingling energy filled the room. Something powerful was at play. Zander, lying on his hospital bed, stared intently at her, his expression both curious and frightened.

As the spell took effect, Lola started asking Zander questions designed to trigger his outbursts. At first, nothing changed; he was still confused and agitated. After several minutes, though, his eyes unfocused, and he clutched his head in pain.

“Ridge, I remember fighting you,” he gasped, struggling to speak through the intense headache. “Not as men. As animals.”

For a moment, he looked at me as if he was insane or hallucinating. This was a major breakthrough. Zander remembered shifting into a wolf.

“Zander, it’s true,” I said compassionately. “We did fight each other in our animal forms. Over Tori.” Beside me, Tori shuffled uncomfortably, clearly feeling guilty about being the cause of our conflict.

Elliot’s face lit up with hope and gratitude. “My boy,” he said to Zander, tears brimming in his eyes. “You’re finally starting to remember.”

Tori squeezed my hand, her worry for Zander evident. We had all been so concerned about his condition, and this progress had brought a glimmer of hope to us all.

“Take your time, Zander,” Lola said gently, offering him a comforting smile. “This is just the beginning. We’ll help you piece everything together.”

Zander clutched his head, his face contorting with pain. “It’s like there’s something blocking me from reaching out to my wolf,” he choked out. “I can’t get to it on my own. It’s locked up inside me.”

The raw distress in his voice tugged at my heart, and Tori had the same reaction mirrored on her face. Zander was a strong alpha, and witnessing him so vulnerable and helpless fueled my need to fight Giselle and her twisted agenda.

“Zander, we’ll help you,” Lola said in a soothing tone. “You’re not alone in this. We’ll figure out how to unlock your wolf and make you whole again.”

“Thank you,” Zander said, but fear blazed in his eyes. He attempted to steady himself before continuing. “Can we take a break? My head is killing me.”
