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Jaxon’s smile grew even wider, and he reached out to squeeze my shoulder. “That…that really makes me happy. And you’re right. Since losing my pack, I’ve never lost the need to lead and make a difference. More importantly, I want to be there for you, as your father.”

I blinked back my own tears that were threatening to spill over. “I want you to be here for me, as my father.”

He nodded after squeezing my arm one more time, then turned to rejoin the other shifters, leaving me feeling lighter than I’d felt in days. My gaze swept over the bustling town square, finally landing on Ridge as he caught up with me.

“Everything okay?” he asked, a hint of concern lacing his voice.

“Better than okay,” I said, slipping my hand into his.

We continued our leisurely stroll through the square when Brett Longtail approached. He winked at me, and I wanted to slap that smirk off his face.

“Hey, Tori.” Brett tried to sound casual, but the underlying flirtatiousness in his greeting made the hairs on the back of my neck stand up.

Ridge’s growl reverberated through his chest, and I suddenly understood why he was so antsy around Brett. It wasn’t just the persistent flirting; it was the fact that I remained unmarked, which apparently signaled to others that I was available.

“Back off, Longtail,” Ridge snapped.

“Jeez, man, just wanted to chat,” Brett said. From the shit-eating grin on his face, he was clearly enjoying the rise he was getting out of Ridge.

As much as I wanted to put Brett in his place, it was better to remove myself from the situation. I stood on my tiptoes and kissed Ridge lightly. “I’ll catch up with you later.”

Leaving Ridge to handle Longtail, I hurried over to the B&B, hoping to catch up with Diana. My steps slowed, however, when I spotted Audrey slipping into a boutique just down the street. Curiosity piqued, I changed course and headed toward the boutique instead. I hadn’t seen Audrey or Kyle since I’d forced them together, and I was eager to find out if they’d worked things out.

As I approached the shop, the bridal store caught my eye. In the window, a stunning new wedding dress was displayed, its simple yet elegant design taking my breath away.

“Holy snowy-white beauty,” I said under my breath, unable to tear my gaze away from the gown. I needed to see it up close, and without giving it much thought, I stepped inside the bridal store.

“Welcome back, Tori,” Fiona greeted me warmly. “Looking for something in particular?”

“Actually, yes,” I said, pointing at the dress in the window. “That dress is absolutely beautiful.”

Fiona’s face lit up as she glanced at the gown. “Ah, that one just came in today. Would you like to try it on?”

“Please,” I said, excitement bubbling within me.

Fiona led me to a fitting room, and I carefully slipped into the dress. Something inside me shifted. It was as if all the changes in my life since coming to Blackwood Creek had crystallized into this one stunning garment. The silk was like a lover’s caress on my skin, and the intricate lace work whispered secrets of love and commitment. It fit like a dream, hugging my body in all the right places and making me feel both beautiful and powerful, like I could take on the world.

Tears brimmed my eyes as I stared at my reflection, but I held them back, not wanting to ruin the beautiful gown. I looked at the woman in the mirror, considering how far I’d come and how much I’d grown. This was the future I’d chosen—the life I wanted to build with Ridge.

“Is everything all right?” Fiona’s voice came softly through the door, her concern palpable.

“Yes,” I said. “It’s…it’s perfect.” With a final glance at my reflection, I changed back into my regular clothes.

“Thank you, Fiona,” I said sincerely, stepping out of the fitting room. “Could you please hold this for me?”

“Of course, dear,” Fiona said, relief evident in her tone that I’d been able to find the dress I wanted.

With the dress on my mind, I hurried next door to the boutique where I’d seen Audrey. I found her thumbing through a rack of clothes. Her eyes lit up when she saw me, an impish grin spreading across her face.

“Hey there. If you’re dying to know what happened with Kyle, a lady never tells.” She snorted. “Lucky for you I’m no lady. I can tell you we went from fighting to something else that starts with ‘f’ and ends with ‘ing.’”

“Ugh, that’s my brother you’re talking about.” I wrinkled my nose and laughed. But I couldn’t help but be happy for her. She deserved some joy in her life, and I hoped that whatever had transpired between her and Kyle would lead to better things for both of them.

Audrey’s eyes sparkled as she practically bounced on her toes, her grin wide and infectious. “Let me tell you, it was probably the best sex I’ve ever had,” she said, her hands flailing excitedly.

“La, la, la,” I chanted loudly while covering my ears until Audrey finally stopped talking. “Ew. I did not need to know that.” I scowled at her, uncovering my ears.

“Come on, Tori.” She pouted, straightening a rack of blouses. “Best friends are supposed to listen to love-life stuff.”
