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“Take it to Margo, Lola, or even a Magpie for all I care,” I said, shuddering at the thought of hearing more about Audrey’s intimate moments with Kyle. “Just not me. Never again.”

“Fine.” She laughed, holding up her hands in surrender. “If you must know, we didn’t really talk about what it meant. I, uh, left before he even got out of the shower.”

“Really?” I raised an eyebrow, curious now. “Why?”

Audrey nibbled on her lower lip for a moment, eyeing a pair of shoes across the store. “I chickened out, I guess. I didn’texpect to like him as much as I do, and I don’t know if his feelings are as strong as mine. He’s so tough, you know? Like, he keeps a tight lid on what he’s thinking all the time. I just…I didn’t want to risk coming across as a lovesick fool.”

I watched my friend closely, taking in her downcast eyes and the twist of her mouth. It wasn’t often that Audrey let her guard down like this, so she must really care about Kyle.

“Kyle’s always been guarded, even with me,” I said softly. “That doesn’t mean he doesn’t feel things deeply. I’m pretty sure he feels a lot for you, but look, I get why you’re nervous,” I tried to reassure Audrey. “With Kyle, it’s not personal. He’s just really guarded when it comes to emotions.”

“Really?” she asked, hope flickering in her eyes.

“Absolutely.” I nodded. “If there’s one thing I know about my brother, it’s that he wouldn’t have let things go as far as they did if he didn’t truly care about you.”

“Thanks, Tori,” Audrey said, her lips quirking at the corners. “Your vote of confidence means a lot to me.”

“Of course.” I squeezed her arm gently. “Now, let’s find something fabulous for you to wear tonight, shall we? Kyle won’t know what hit him.” I winked at her, hoping to lighten the mood.

“I’m in,” Audrey said, her spirits visibly lifted. We continued browsing through the boutique, our laughter echoing through the store as we picked out outfits for each other.

Despite the fun we were having, my thoughts kept drifting back to what Audrey had said about Kyle being guarded. I made a mental note to encourage him to open up more to Audrey the next time I had a chance to talk to him. They both deserved happiness, and I’d learned from experience that opening up and being vulnerable with each other was the key to making their relationship work.

As Audrey held up a stunning dress that would cling to her like a second skin, I smiled at her and nodded approvingly. Shegrinned back, her eyes sparkling with excitement. I never would have thought Audrey and I would become friends, but we had, and the bond between us had only grown stronger since she’d turned her back on her parents.

“Are you ready?”Audrey came over to my side, her hands occupied with an assortment of outfits, including the dress she’d shown me. “Let’s go try these on and see which one makes the cut for tonight.”

“Deal.” I grabbed my own stack of clothes, and together, we headed to the fitting rooms.

As we tried on outfit after outfit, laughing and offering feedback on each other’s choices, I hoped things would work out between Audrey and Kyle. They both deserved happiness just as much as I did.

Chapter 42


I stood near the edge of the woods as the sun set, doing my best to remain patient as Brett Longtail droned on about the current state of our security measures. The man had a knack for complaining, but tonight, his grievances seemed particularly irritating.

“Ridge, seriously, do we even have an estimate for when these hunters might attack?” Brett whined, gesturing around at the tightened security measures in place. “I mean, don’t get me wrong, no one wants them here, but accommodations have been pretty barbaric lately. Shouldn’t we be investing in some nicer tents or something for everyone who’s being forced to camp out?”

I clenched my jaw so hard, it made a cracking sound as I tried to find the right words to say. There wasn’t a single soul in this town who wasn’t aware of the danger we were in. Patience was a virtue that seemed lost on Brett.

“First off,” I said, meeting his gaze, “no one is being forced to stay anywhere. They have the option to double up and stay in the new houses that are complete if they want. More are being finished every day, but some shifters actually enjoy being in the outdoors. And while I’d much rather everyone stayedhere in Blackwood Creek where we are safer in higher numbers, if anyone wants to leave, they can. I’m not holding anyone hostage.” I sighed and pinched the bridge of my nose, hoping Brett would let it go, but the look on his face told me otherwise. “As for when the hunters will attack, we have no idea,” I continued. “It could be weeks from now, or within the next hour. They’re not exactly advertising their next moves.”

“Then I want to be more involved,” Brett said, crossing his arms over his chest. “You’re overseeing everything and getting all the glory while I just stand by and watch. I’m a selfless person, too, you know.”

I rolled my eyes, trying not to snort. “Brett, this isn’t about glory or admiration. We’re trying to keep everyone safe. If you want to help, then focus on keeping your pack members in line. We don’t need them stirring up more trouble than they already have.”

“Fine,” he said, clearly unhappy with my response.

“The next time someone needs to get captured by hunters or bitten by a vampire, I’ll be sure to let you know,” I snapped, reaching my limit with his complaints.

Without another word, Brett walked off. I took a moment to steady myself before turning my attention to the other matters at hand.

As I walked through the streets, the sounds of evening traffic and distant chatter filled my ears. I missed the days when I could take a carefree walk through the town, when I wasn’t bogged down with the immense responsibility of ensuring everyone’s safety. While the shifters seamlessly integrated with the humans and went about their regular activities, I kept a vigilant eye out for any signs of danger.

A weary-looking Clawson approached me and fell into step beside me. “We’re stretched thin, Ridge.” He rubbed his temples. “Even with the additional shifters in town, there’s still an overwhelming amount of ground that needs to be covered. There’s not enough of us know how these hunters think.”

I nodded. “Why don’t we ask Kyle to help pick up slack whenever it’s needed? He knows the hunters inside and out.”
