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I stood at the edge of the training area, eyes locked on Ridge as he sparred with another shifter. The intensity in his gaze, his muscles rippling beneath his skin as he moved, stirred something primal within me. I wanted to claim him, to mark him as mine so every shifter we encountered would know he belonged to me.

“Come on, Ridge! Don’t let Tori distract you!” Kyle shouted from the sidelines.

Ridge glanced my way, his gaze meeting mine for a brief moment before returning to the fight. “Nice move,” Ridge said as he dodged a punch from his opponent.

“Thanks.” The other shifter grinned. “But I’m not gonna go easy on you just because your girl’s watching.”

“Good. Neither will I,” Ridge said, landing a solid hit on the shifter’s chest.

Kyle called for a break, allowing them to catch their breath. Ridge walked over to me, beads of sweat glistening on his forehead. “You know, you’re really making it difficult for me to concentrate.”

“Am I?” I asked coyly, batting my eyelashes. “I’m just here to support you.”

“Support me or drive me crazy?” he said, pulling me close and pressing a quick kiss to my lips. “I saw the looks you’ve been giving me.”

“Can’t blame a girl for admiring the view.” I smirked as I took in his toned body. “It’s not like you haven’t been doing the same.”

“Guilty.” He chuckled. “If you keep this up, I might not be able to control myself.”

“Maybe that’s what I want,” I said, low and seductive.

Ridge’s eyes darkened, desire evident in their depths. “Don’t tempt me.” His voice had become husky.

“Or what?” I challenged, raising an eyebrow.

“Or I might just have to give you what you’re asking for.” He leaned in, his lips brushing against my ear again. “Right here, right now.”

A shiver ran down my spine, but before either of us could act, Kyle called for them to resume training. Ridge sighed, giving me a lingering look before returning to his next opponent.

“Focus, Ridge!” Kyle barked as the sparring continued. “You’re doing it again, letting her get in your head.”

“Sorry, man.” Ridge shook off the distraction and landed a solid hit on his opponent. It was clear he was struggling to keep his focus, but he managed to follow Kyle’s instructions and hold his own in the fight.

My heart pounded as Ridge delivered a powerful kick to his opponent’s chest, knocking the other shifter back. The air around them was charged with energy, and I became entranced by the fluidity of Ridge’s movements, imagining what it would be like to have him move like that against me, our bodies tangled…

“Looks like someone’s got your number, Ridge.” Kyle smirked.

“Can’t help it if I’m in high demand.” Ridge was panting slightly, but still managed a cocky grin.

A sudden buzz from my phone snapped me out of my fantasies, and I glanced down to see a text from Lola.

Guess what? I’ve made another breakthrough with my magic. I think I can help Zander get his wolf back and shift again. Eleanor and Julia are helping me with the spell. Want you and Ridge to be there.

I jumped onto my toes. This could be it. Lola could potentially reverse whatever Giselle had done to Zander. As much as I wanted to continue indulging in my daydreams about Ridge, this was too important to ignore.

“Kyle, I need Ridge!” I called out to my brother. “Sorry, I wouldn’t normally stop training but it’s important.”

“Seems the little lady saved your ass, alpha,” Ridge’s opponent teased good-naturedly.

Kyle shouted, “Break time, Ridge!Again!” He turned to me. “Don’t make a habit of this, Tori, I can’t let training slide for anyone.”

I gave my brother an annoyed look before Ridge sauntered over to me. I wanted to lick the sweat off his toned muscles.

“Still enjoying the show?” he asked, then gave me a heated kiss that left me restless.

“Always,” I said, a flush rising to my cheeks. “But, uh, we might need to reschedule that private sparring lesson you mentioned. With the ‘no clothes’ rule.”

“Oh, really? Why’s that?”
