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Lola had done it! She’d managed to bring Zander’s wolf back.

Zander moved forward and nuzzled Lola affectionately, gratitude shining in his eyes. Lola blushed but smiled, clearly proud of her accomplishment. Eleanor and Julia exchanged impressed glances.

As the spell’s energy dissipated, Ridge shifted back into his human form, his gaze never leaving Zander. Our attention turned to the next challenge that lay ahead—helping Zander regain control over his newly rediscovered wolf.

“Okay, Zander,” I said softly, trying to catch his wolf’s attention. “Time to shift back.”

His wolf growled, struggling to comprehend the command. Shifting back wasn’t going to be as easy as we’d hoped. But I refused to let him give up. I knew firsthand the battle between human and wolf, and I was determined to help him find balance.

“Focus on something that matters to both you and your wolf,” I said, echoing Clawson’s advice from my own journey. “Find common ground and use it to regain control.”

Zander’s wolf whined, his eyes darting between me and the others in the room. I saw him trying to process my words, to find that connection that would help him shift back.

“Think of us, Zander,” Elliot added, his voice full of encouragement. “I’m your father, your family. I’ve always been here for you, son. I believe in you.”

The air in the room grew tense as we waited, our collective breaths held. Slowly but surely, Zander’s wolf began to change,the transformation agonizingly slow as he fought for control. Time seemed to stretch on endlessly until Zander emerged, standing before us in all his naked glory, breathing heavily and drenched in sweat.

“Did” he panted, exhaustion evident in his voice.

I nodded, pride swelling within me. “You did it, Zander. Your wolf is back.”

His eyes widened in realization, and for a moment, all his fatigue vanished. “Thank you,” he said, tears glistening in his eyes. “Thank you all for not giving up on me.”

“Of course, Zander,” Lola said gently. “We’ll always be here to help each other.”

This monumental breakthrough gave us all a sense of hope. My own struggles with my feral nature had given me the tools to help Zander reclaim his wolf, and now we were one step closer to defeating Giselle. United as a pack, there was nothing we couldn’t overcome.

Eleanor and Julia stood side by side, their eyes gleaming with admiration as they watched Lola. Eleanor cleared her throat. “You know, Lola, your persistence is quite impressive. Your magical training is coming along very well.”

Lola’s cheeks flushed. “Thank you.”

Ridge stepped closer. “What’s next?”

Eleanor turned to him. “Now that we’ve made progress with Zander’s situation, I wanted to let you know that I’ve been working on preparing some magical defenses. They should help repel much of Giselle’s dark magic when she finally shows up.” Her lips curled into a disdainful sneer. “I’d love nothing more than to show that bitch of a witch what we’re capable of.”

“Sounds like a solid plan,” Ridge said, his determined expression mirroring Eleanor’s.

Seemingly not to be outdone, Julia spoke up. “I’ve installed an early warning system to the new homes you’ve built for theshifters. Should a hunter make it through your defenses, then an alarm will sound in a frequency only shifters can hear. This will give them the opportunity to be aware and seek the intruder.”

“That’s amazing,” I said. “Could you add something similar to the manor?” Having an edge—any edge—would help us defeat my stepfather and his troops.

Julia flushed at my praise and nodded.

Elliot, meanwhile, was fussing over Zander, ensuring he was comfortable after the intense ordeal he had just endured. As the others talked, I pulled Lola aside.

“Lola,” I said, wrapping my arms around her in a tight hug, “I can’t thank you enough for helping Zander get his wolf back. It’s absolutely incredible.”

She hugged me back, her voice soft and humble. “It wasn’t just me, Tori. I couldn’t have channeled enough magic without Eleanor and Julia.”

“Still, you played a huge part in it.” I pulled back from the embrace to look her in the eyes. “You should be proud.”

Lola’s smile was warm and genuine, but I saw the exhaustion beginning to creep in. It had been emotionally and physically draining for everyone involved. Despite the fatigue settling over us, I could see everyone felt the same hope I did. Giselle might have her dark magic, but we had each other, our pack, our family.

“All right, everyone,” Eleanor’s voice boomed in the small room, carrying authority. “Let’s regroup and discuss how we can continue to protect ourselves and prepare for Giselle’s arrival.” She looked at Ridge and added, “We need all hands on deck.”

“I’ll gather the rest of the pack,” he replied. “We’ll need everyone’s input and support.” His eyes met mine, filled with unspoken love and gratitude.

As the others began to talk strategy, my mind wandered back to Zander, his transformation, and the fight he’d put up toregain control over his wolf. A sudden idea struck me. Perhaps there was another shifter who could benefit from her newfound magical abilities.
