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The moment we stepped outside, Julia rounded the corner, an urgent expression on her face.

“Ridge, Tori,” she called, waving a hand to catch our attention. “I need to speak with you.”

“Julia, what’s going on?” I asked, my instincts immediately shifting into protective mode as I glanced at Tori.

“I’ve made contact with the hostile witches.” Julia’s eyes darted between us, trying to gauge our reaction. “The coven that’s been helping the hunters.”

“Really?” Tori gasped. “What did they say?”

“They agreed to meet with Ridge,” Julia said sheepishly, wringing her hands. “But only because they heard he was a Blackwood. They must assume he’d be interested in teaming up with them, like his ancestors.”

I ground my teeth, my family’s tainted legacy bearing down on me again. My last name had caused so much trouble for shifters and humans alike, but perhaps this time, it could work in our favor. After all, if these witches were willing to meet with me, maybe I could convince them to stop supporting the hunters.

I rubbed my chin thoughtfully. “I’ll meet with them. When and where?”

“They said if you want to meet, it has to be three days. That’s their only ‘opening.’” Julia curled her fingers in air quotes, her voice dripping with disdain. “They’re staying at some fancy resort in the Bahamas,” Julia added, her lips curving into a disapproving frown. “I’m not surprised, though. That coven’s always been more interested in money and luxury than in the true purpose of our magic.”

“Julia.” I kept my gaze steady on her. “Do you have any advice on the best way to deal with these women? Or what might convince the coven to stop helping the hunters?”

She frowned and tapped her chin thoughtfully. “Well,” she said slowly, “for starters, it’s not just a case of eliciting a promise from them that they’ll stop. If you can convince them to stop helping the hunters, you can’t just take their word for it. You’ll need to get a blood oath from them. Witches can’t break blood oaths. Even if the person they made the promise to dies, it’ll hold.”

I nodded, filing this crucial piece of information away. “What else? What are they interested in?”

“From what I’ve gathered, they’re mostly after rare ingredients for spells and, as always, money. Lots of money.”Julia shrugged, casting me a sympathetic glance. “Working with the hunters has provided this coven with a convenient source of income. Although many of us would find it difficult to stomach the ethical implications of collaborating with them, the allure of money is hard to resist.”

“Money,” I repeated, going quiet as I mulled over the possibilities. An idea began to form, and though it wasn’t fully fleshed out yet, it had potential. “Thank you, Julia. Your help means a lot to us.”

“Of course. As long as I can settle down here in Blackwood Creek without being ostracized or picked on, I’m more than happy to help.”

“I promise we’re a very accepting community,” I assured her.

“Absolutely,” Tori chimed in her agreement, beaming at Julia. “I, for one, am excited to have another friendly witch in town. We’ll make sure you are welcomed here.”

“Thank you.” Julia appeared to be visibly touched by our words. I hated to think what she’d lived through. “Ridge, that location is only good for three days,” she warned me as she turned to walk away. “If it’s not possible for you to make it, I may not be able to negotiate another meeting with them.”

“Let’s head out,” I told Tori. “I need to pay a quick visit to Brett Longtail.”

Tori’s jaw dropped in surprise, but she nodded. I sensed her curiosity, but she didn’t press for details.

As we approached the building, I motioned for her to wait outside. She did so without hesitation, and I was grateful for that. My wolf was particularly territorial and testy about his unclaimed mate being near the other alpha, especially since Brett had hit on her several times before. The sooner I could claim Tori and put my mark on her, the better. Then everyone, including Brett, would know that she was all mine, and I was all hers.

I knocked on the door, and the door swung open at my touch—he hadn’t latched it. I stepped inside and saw Brett lounging in the living room. His posture was relaxed, but I saw the spark of competitiveness in his eyes. He welcomed me with a grin, inviting me inside.

As we settled into our seats, he began making small talk about investments and the stock market, humble-bragging about how well he was doing. It wasn’t a surprise; Brett had always loved bragging. However, in this case, it worked to my advantage as I feigned interest and admiration.

“Really?” I raised an eyebrow. “That’s impressive.”

Brett preened under my praise, clearly pleased with himself. Seizing the opportunity, I leaned forward and met his gaze. “Actually, Brett, I wanted to discuss something with you. I’m about to negotiate a ceasefire—a peace treaty, if you will—with the hostile witch coven that’s been helping the hunters.”

“Ah, Ridge. Always trying to hog the spotlight,” Brett sneered, leaning back in his chair. “Why should you be the one to negotiate with the witches? Maybe I should go instead.”

I held back a sigh, knowing that arguing with him would only fuel his ego more. Instead, I tried to appeal to his vanity.

“Actually, Brett, I could use your help.”

He raised his eyebrows in surprise.

“You see, I plan on offering the hostile witches all of my family’s wealth and assets to secure a blood oath from them. But I think they’ll be even more inclined to agree if you contribute as well.”
