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I playfully swatted his arm. “You’re just trying to distract me from the fact that Kyle and Audrey are driving you crazy.”

“Maybe,” he said with a chuckle. “It doesn’t make it any less true.”

I grinned, leaning into his side as we continued our walk. Whatever challenges lay ahead of us, we’d face them. In this moment, surrounded by paradise and the man I loved, hope for the future swelled within my heart.

As Ridge and I approached the check-in counter, the sound of crashing waves and the scent of salty air and tropical flowers added to my thrill.

“Hello, how can I help you?” the woman behind the desk asked, her eyes immediately locking onto Ridge. She was attractive, with long, dark hair and a bright smile. The way she looked at him set my teeth on edge.

“Hi, we have reservations under the name Ridge Blackwood,” he said, seemingly oblivious to her flirtatious demeanor.

“Ah, yes,” she said, fingers flying over the keyboard. “I see you have three suites booked for tonight.” Her gaze lingered on Ridge for a moment too long before looking back at the screen. “Is there anything else you need?”

“Actually, we’re here to meet with tomorrow morning,” Ridge said. “Could you please make sure we receive a wake-up call at seven?”

“Of course, Mr. Blackwood,” she purred.

As the woman continued to openly flirt with Ridge, my inner alpha wolf stirred, possessiveness flooding through me. Ridge was an incredibly attractive man, but the brazen way she ogled him made my blood boil. Glancing over at Kyle and Audrey, who were still bickering nearby, I decided to put an end to her flirting.

“Excuse me,” I interrupted, stepping closer to Ridge and pulling him down for a passionate, branding kiss. His surprise quickly melted into eager participation, and his strong arms wrapped around me, pulling me closer. When we finally brokeapart, both breathless, I turned to the woman behind the desk with a fierce glare.

“Is there anything else we need for our check-in, or can my fiancé and I be on our way?” I asked icily.

The receptionist hastily handed over the three keys, her cheeks reddening. “That’s it. Enjoy your stay.”

“Thanks,” I said coolly, taking the keys and tossing one each to Kyle and Audrey. Clutching Ridge’s hand, I guided us down the lavish hallway, dragging my bag along behind me. The scent of jasmine intertwined with salty sea air, creating an intoxicating aroma that only heightened the electric energy between Ridge and me.

“I never thought I’d see the day when you’d stake your claim like that,” Ridge said, his eyes sparkling.

“Me neither.” I smirked. “But I couldn’t help myself. You’re mine, Ridge, and I want everyone to know it.”

He grinned, his dimples deepening. “I love it when you get all possessive, little alpha wolf. It’s nice you’re as territorial about me as I am about you.”

I huffed, but a happy glow spread through my chest. “Just wait until you have a wedding ring on. Then these human women will really know you’re taken.”

“Is that what you want?” he asked. “I’ll wear one before the wedding if it makes you happy.”

“Of course it would, but that’s not all I want,” I murmured.

As we entered our suite, I was momentarily distracted by the breathtaking view of the ocean outside our window. As the sun dipped below the horizon, its golden rays danced upon the water’s surface, illuminating everything in a serene glow. The setting couldn’t have been more fitting for the words I had in mind.

The soft crash of waves outside our oceanfront suite created a serene soundtrack as I paced back and forth, my heart poundingin time with each step. I inhaled the salty air that filtered through the open balcony doors and glanced at Ridge, who sat on the edge of the luxurious king-size bed, watching me with patient curiosity.

I twisted my fingers together nervously. “I really wanted to plan something beautiful and special for us, you know? With rose petals and...and all that romantic stuff.” I gestured vaguely around the room, indicating the elegant surroundings we found ourselves in. “Since we’re already here in this incredible resort, I figure it’s perfect enough.”

He tilted his head slightly, his eyes never leaving mine. “Tori, what are you trying to say?”

Taking another deep breath, I mustered up the courage to voice my feelings. “I’m tired of waiting, Ridge. I want to be with you in every way, to complete our connection as fated mates. I’ve wanted this for a while, and I appreciate that you were giving me control over the timing, but I’ve decided it’s time. I love you, and I just want everything with you.”

A slow smile spread across Ridge’s face, and he stood from the bed, closing the distance between us in a few strides. He pulled me close, his strong arms wrapping around me, and said into my ear, “I love you, Tori. More than you’ll ever know.”

The room closed in around me as I looked into his intense eyes. I couldn’t help but feel the weight of everything we had been through together—the danger, the secrets, the undeniable connection between us. And now, it all came down to this moment.

“Old Yeller,” I whispered, my voice shaky from the emotions threatening to consume me. The nickname slipped out unintentionally, but it did little to ease the tension. Instead, it only served to remind me of how different our worlds were and what we were risking by giving in to our desires.

“Call me whatever you want,” Ridge murmured. “Just call me yours.” The line was so cheesy, but I was too caught up in desire to laugh.

He reached out to gently cup my face, his touch sending shivers down my spine. My heart raced, threatening to tear out of my chest.
