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My heart swelled with happiness at their acceptance and support. With everything that had happened recently—finding my real father, reconnecting with my long-lost brother, and now officially claiming my mate—my life had changed dramatically. Although we were currently in the middle of a dangerous mission, surrounded by potential enemies, I was grateful for the family and friends who stood by my side.

“Thanks, guys,” I said. “It means a lot to have you both here with me.”

“Of course.” Audrey gave my hand a reassuring squeeze. “We’re in this together.”

“Always, Tori,” Kyle said, his eyes reflecting the same fierce loyalty that burned within me.

Chapter 46


Tori snuggled against my side, her breath tickling my ear as she said, “Time to get up, sleepyhead.”

I gradually woke up, the remnants of sleep slowly fading away as I cleared my mind. “Morning.” I leaned in to give her a soft kiss. I smiled against her lips as the new, deeper connection between us flared. The happiness and excitement over our claiming echoed through the bond, giving me an overwhelming sense of contentment.

I wanted to linger in bed a bit longer. I could imagine the taste of her skin, the curve of her body beneath my hands. Before I could delve any deeper into that fantasy, Tori interrupted my musings with a playful nudge.

“As much as I love where you’re going with this”—she winked, her tone playful as she referenced the images I’d shared through our bond—“we have work to do.” She placed one last kiss on my lips. “There are some very rich, hunter-helping witches here on this island, and we need to meet with them as soon as possible.”

Tori’s words lingered in the air as I reluctantly pushed the tempting thoughts of morning intimacy aside. Our new bond was making it difficult to think of anything but her. Wedidhaveimportant business to attend to, but that didn’t mean I couldn’t make plans for later.

Normally, after a shifter couple bonded, they entered a nesting phase. That was especially true of fated mates. Tori and I had held off on claiming each other for many good reasons. As we prepared to confront the hunters, it seemed like there would never be a perfect moment for our own nesting to happen, but here we were.

“Once this is all over, I want a long honeymoon with you where we have plenty of time to spoil each other.” I grinned at her.

Tori’s face lit up, and her agreement came without hesitation. “I definitely won’t argue with that. A long honeymoon sounds perfect, as long as we manage to defeat the hunters. And that means we need to get ready.”

I got out of bed and began getting ready for the day ahead. As I buttoned up my shirt, Tori gave me a sly smile. “Oh, I thought you should know, but Audrey and Kyle are a thing now.”

My eyebrows shot up in surprise. “Really? Does that mean they’ll finally stop bickering?”

“Probably not.” She gave a mischievous laugh. “I think what we perceive as bickering, those two see as foreplay.”

Shaking my head in amusement, I finished dressing and grabbed my jacket. It was interesting how relationships could form under the most unlikely circumstances. If it brought some happiness into their lives, then I was all for it.

I steeled myself for the meeting with the witches. “Let’s see if we can secure a better future for our kind.”

When we left our room, Audrey was waiting outside, leaning against the opposite wall, her attention on her phone. “Good morning, Audrey.”

She flashed me a smile. “Morning, Ridge. I noticed a little something on Tori’s neck this morning.” Her smile became awide grin. “Congratulations. It’s about time you two made it official—well, shifter official.” She laughed. “You’ll still have to make it human official with the wedding for all the humans in town. No getting out of that, Mayor Blackwood.”

I kissed her on the cheek. “Thanks, but don’t get too excited. Now that you’re officially with Kyle, that makes you the sister-in-law to the bride. I think that means a guaranteed place in the wedding party.”

Through our bond, I picked up on Tori’s genuine affection and respect for her friend. I could also feel how much Audrey’s horrified expression amused her. It made me realize how my perception of people had changed since Tori had entered my life. Not too long ago, Audrey was someone I’d have crossed the road to avoid. I’d regarded her with the same disdain as her parents.

A wicked thought darted through my mind, and I sensed Tori’s awareness of it as she swiftly turned away, concealing the growing smirk on her lips. “So, Audrey, an ex-hunter for a friendandone for a boyfriend. Christie and Martin are going to be thrilled.”

Tori erupted into a fit of giggles, and Audrey joined in.

“Oh, wow!” Audrey said with mischievous glee. “It never occurred to me that this could be a perk.”

“Speaking of...” I looked up and down the hallway. “Where is Kyle?”

“He went down to survey the coven before your meeting.” She shook the phone in her hand. “He texted me that they’re having a breakfast picnic by the beach. He’ll meet us down there.”

We stepped into the elevator, and our bright moods were dampened as we all considered the meeting that lay ahead.

As we neared the glass doors leading to the beach, we spotted Kyle waiting for us, and together, we went to meet the coven. The warm sand beneath my feet and waves crashing against theshore provided a stark contrast to the tension in the air as we approached the group.
