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“Jaxon,” Lucille said softly, tears streaming down her cheeks. “I’m so sorry. For everything.”

“There’s no need for an apology,” Jaxon said. “You’ve been through so much. We all have.”

As I watched the two of them reconnect, I was overcome by a deep sense of gratitude for the family and friends who had stood by me throughout my own struggles. It was a harsh reminder that in this dangerous world we inhabited, we needed to hold on to those we loved and cherish the time we had.

“There’s something you need to know,” Lucille said. “Something I’ve kept hidden for far too long.” Tears streamed down her face even faster as she looked at Jaxon. With littlemore than a whisper, she continued. “I’m so sorry, Jaxon...I can’t stand the guilt anymore.”

“What are you talking about?” he asked, frowning down at her.

I exchanged a glance with Ridge. Something important was about to be revealed. We stood close, our hands instinctively seeking each other for support.

“I...” She took a shaky breath. “There’s no easy way to say this.” Another shaky breath, then she ripped the Band-Aid off. “I gave up the location of the Everwood Pack to the hunters. It’s my fault they were all killed. Except for your second-in-command, who got away.

“The hunters...they treated us so terribly,” she sobbed, her words barely coherent through her tears. “The torture we endured was unspeakable. Then they threatened to kill Vincent in front of me if I didn’t tell them everything. Every time I said no, they subjected him to a cruel punishment, and made me watch as they inflicted pain upon the man I loved more than anything. He pleaded with me not to tell them anything, but seeing him being butchered, hearing his screams…I’m sorry.”

My stomach twisted at the thought of being faced with such a horrific decision. Ridge squeezed my hand, offering silent comfort.

“They promised to let us go if I complied.” Lucille’s voice grew anguished as she continued. “I was desperate to save Vincent. I sold out the Everwood Pack to save the man I loved. After I gave up the location, they...they killed Vincent in front of me, anyway. And released me to live with the guilt and horror alone.”

Lucille’s desperate attempt to save her fated mate tore at my heart. She’d faced a decision that would forever alter her life. As I looked at Jaxon, I wondered how he’d have handled the samedilemma, and whether he could find it in his heart to understand and forgive such a devastating betrayal.

“Lucille...” Jaxon began, fighting to control his emotions.

“I understand if you want to kill me,” she said, her eyes red and swollen from crying. “You were the alpha of the Everwood Pack. It is your right to take my life as payment for theirs.”

“You were faced with an unthinkable decision.” Jaxon’s voice cracked. “I can’t say I know what I would have done in your position.”

My heart ached at Lucille’s tear-streaked face, her guilt and grief nearly crushing her. The pain she had lived with all these years took physical form in the room, thick and suffocating. I clenched my fists, anger boiling inside me. The hunters had caused so much suffering.

“I’m so sorry you had to go through all of this,” I said, my words almost drowned out by the emotions raging within me.

She looked at me, her eyes red and swollen from crying. “Thank you, Tori,” she said. “It doesn’t change what I’ve done.”

My father stood there, his face a mask of conflicting emotions, anger, sadness, and disbelief warring for dominance. I saw him struggling to find the right words, to process the horrible truth that had been revealed. “I won’t lie and say this doesn’t hurt, but...we were friends once, and despite everything, I don’t believe that has completely changed. You did what you thought was necessary to save Vincent. That...that counts for something,” he said, his voice stronger now. “While I wish things had turned out differently, I can’t fault you for wanting to protect the person you loved. I’m sorry for your loss, Lucille.” He blew out a breath. “I don’t know if I’ll ever truly forget what you did, but I forgive you, and you need to forgive yourself. Let this go.” His eyes filled with compassion. “You’ve carried this burden long enough.”

Respect for my father surged through me. He had every right to be furious, yet he’d chosen forgiveness instead. We had all suffered at the hands of the hunters, and it was a powerful reminder of what we were fighting for—to put an end to this cycle of pain and betrayal.

“Jaxon’s right, Lucille,” I said softly, patting her shoulder gently. “It’s time to let go of the past and focus on building a better future for all of us.”

“Thank you, both of you,” she said tearfully. “I’ll try my best. I promise.”

Chapter 48


I struggled to breathe. My aunt’s confession that she was responsible for Jaxon and Tori’s home pack being wiped out echoed in my ears. I glanced at Tori, her eyes glistening with unshed tears. Her sadness radiated through our bond, but beneath it was a resolve to ensure nothing like that would happen again.

I stood in the dimly lit room, watching Aunt Lucille’s tear-stained face as she struggled to hold back her emotions. She was still reeling from her confession. Thanks to Lola, her feral wolf was quiet for now. Her secret had been a heavy burden, and I could sense the pain it had caused her.

“Lucille,” Lola said, “I know you’re having trouble sleeping. Let me help you. I’ve been working on a sleep spell that could help you find some peace tonight.”

Aunt Lucille hesitated, her eyes darting between Lola and me. Then, with a weary nod, she agreed. Before Lola could work her magic, my aunt stepped toward me, wrapping her arms around me. She hadn’t hugged me like for years, and it felt good.

“Ridge,” she sobbed into my shoulder. “I’m so sorry. I never meant to sully the Blackwood name any further than your ancestors already had. I know how hard both you and Vincentworked to try and clear the stain. I just wanted to protect everyone.”

I rubbed her back. “It’s time to forgive yourself, Aunt Lucille. Jaxon’s right—we can’t keep holding on to the past. We have to move forward and make sure this never happens again.”

She pulled back and looked up at me, her cheeks stained with tears. Pride and gratitude shone in her eyes. She kissed my cheek and said, “You’ve become such a strong, selfless alpha, Ridge. Vincent would be incredibly proud of you. Just like I am.” The words sank deep into my chest, filling a void I hadn’t known existed.
