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Tori gave me a grateful smile, but her eyes remained clouded with worry. I couldn’t blame her. The stakes were higher than ever, and one wrong move could lead to disaster.

Driving through the eerily quiet streets, Tori’s exhaustion leaked through our bond, pressing against my own. It was unsettling to see Blackwood Creek this empty, like a hollow shell of the lively town we knew and loved. My hands gripped the steering wheel tightly. “Let’s check a couple more neighborhoods before heading back.”

As we made our rounds, I felt a growing sense of unease. Although we were doing everything possible to protect the humans and our fellow supernaturals, there was no telling how the battle would unfold. We had to be prepared for anything.

Eventually, we returned to the town center, where a large group of supernaturals were gathered. The air buzzed with nervous energy as everyone pitched in to prepare for the hunters’ attack. Weapons were distributed, and Kyle took charge, laying out various strategies for taking on large groups of hunters. Despite the mounting tension, there was a sense of unity among us that I found both inspiring and comforting.

“Looks like everyone’s ready for whatever comes our way,” I said, smiling proudly.

“Indeed,” Tori said, her eyes scanning the crowd. “God, I hope it’s enough.”

Diana and Hanna, Camila’s mother, bustled around with several others, serving food and coffee to those who needed sustenance or a caffeine boost. Everyone was running on fumes, having slept in shifts throughout the night. Despite their fatigue, they remained determined to face the looming danger head-on.

“You two look like you could use some coffee,” Diana said as she reached us.

“Thank you, Diana.” Tori accepted the cup with a grateful smile, curling her hands around the warm cup, its steam drifting lazily upwards.

“Much appreciated,” I said. I took a sip and shivered as the warmth spread through my body.

Tori and I walked inside. The echo of children’s laughter filled the town hall, a stark contrast to the tension outside. Camila played with several other shifter children, their innocent faces blissfully unaware of the danger lurking in the shadows. The elderly shifters mostly sat together, speaking amongst themselves. Others were with the children, teaching them card games, even playing on the consoles to keep the kids occupied. The Magpies sat with the group. We’d tried to evacuate Maggie Hill, as she was a human, but like Mateo from The Tipsy Tavern, she was very much aware of shifters. She’d refused, preferring toremain and support us in whatever way possible. They’d opened up the café so we could use the kitchen to provide food and hot drinks for everyone.

“Are you sure it’s safe for them here?” Tori asked quietly, her eyes scanning the room with concern.

“Kyle advised against trying to evacuate them with the humans.” I looked over the group. “He said the hunters would have spotters, watching for any signs of shifters slipping out. They’ll allow the humans to leave, but wouldn’t hesitate to attack the weak, old, or young ones, even with humans around.”

Tori nodded. “I know.”

We moved on, making our way toward the medical area. The scent of antiseptic and healing herbs filled my nostrils, reminding me that some of our people would be injured, or worse.

“Look.” Tori pointed out the window where Lola, Eleanor, and Julia were working tirelessly, weaving intricate patterns of magic around the town square.

“Those three have been at it non-stop,” I said with admiration. “They’re doing everything they can to keep us all safe.”

“Let’s hope it’s enough.” Tori gripped my hand tightly. “Lola must’ve come straight back here after getting Lucille to sleep.”

Our conversation was interrupted by Clawson’s approach. “Ridge, the patrol sent after the escaped hunter last night has returned. They’ve found the hunters’ encampment.”

“Where are they?” I asked.

“Outside our boundaries, in the woods. There are too many for a surprise attack,” Clawson said.

“Fuck,” I cursed under my breath. “We need to inform the other alphas and make sure everyone’s prepared.”

Tori squeezed my hand. “We’ll get through this, Ridge. We’re stronger. This is exactly what we’ve been training for. All thepacks are stronger now than they’ve ever been. They aren’t helpless, and with Kyle’s inside knowledge, they know what to expect and how to fight them off.”

Despite the confidence in Tori’s words, the worry gnawing at me refused to dissipate. I knew we’d prepared our people as best we could for an attack, but I wouldn’t be able to rest until this was over and I knew we were safe.

“Ridge.”Tori’s voice came through our bond, breaking me from my thoughts. Her eyes searched mine, concern etched across her beautiful face.“What’s bothering you?”

I sighed. “It’s just...I’m the one who invited all these wolf shifters here, hoping to offer them safety. If this goes south, it’ll be my fault.”I’d basically made us sitting ducks by gathering all the shifters in one place.

Tori took both my hands and squeezed them gently before saying out loud, “You’ve given these shifters hope and a chance at a safe home they wouldn’t have had otherwise. Everyone came here of their own free will, and we’re all fighting for the same thing. It’s not just your responsibility. We all share it.”

Her words eased some of the strain, but the worry remained. Tori sensed it, and she gave my hand a last squeeze. “Maybe some food will help. We haven’t eaten for hours. Wait here. I’ll get us some.”

As she walked away, I watched her interact with those around her, offering words of encouragement and brightening their spirits. It only reinforced my belief that she was the most perfect mate I could ever hope for.

“Ridge,” Jaxon said as he joined me. “I’m impressed with how well you’ve mobilized everything. Getting the humans to safety, bringing other supernaturals here…you’re a good alpha.”
