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As Erick spoke, a nagging suspicion lingered in the back of my mind that something was amiss. There was more to this man than met the eye, and I was determined to find out what that was. First, though, we needed to get him some help. He was in no condition to be standing, let alone delivering messages.

“Come on.” I wrapped an arm around Erick’s shoulders to support him. “We’ll get you patched up first. We can talk after.”

He turned his head to look around him and alongside the bruises, I noticed a mark, faded but still discernible, painted along the side of his neck and continuing on his jawline. The same mark that had covered Zander’s body when we’d found him in that room on the hunter compound.

Realization slammed into me. This man wasn’t human at all. He was a shifter who had been “cured” by William and Giselle. That was why I couldn’t scent any wolf on him. My gut twisted with anger and sympathy for the poor guy. He was disoriented, beaten, and stripped of his true nature. Given what we’d seen with Zander, he was dying a slow, painful death.

“Ridge,” Tori said softly, her eyes filled with concern as she looked at Erick. “We need to get him some help. He shouldn’t be delivering messages in this state.”

“You’re right,” I agreed. “We’ll take him back to town square. We can talk after he’s been cared for.”

Tori and I took turns supporting Erick as we made our way back to the town square. His breathing was labored, and he groaned as if every step was pure agony. Anger raged through me. William and his fucking sick twisted games.

As we entered the square, Hanna caught sight of Erick and let out an anguished cry. She rushed over to us, tears streaming down her face. “Erick,” she sobbed, throwing her arms around the battered man. “Oh, my love, what have they done to you?”

Erick stared at her blankly, not recognizing the woman who was clinging to him. It broke my heart to see them like this, yet another family torn apart by the hunters’ cruelty.

“Mrs. Garcia.” Gently, I drew her away from her husband. “Hanna, Erick’s been hurt by the hunters and a dark witch. His memories have been affected, but we have a witch here in town who might be able to help Erick recover his memories.”

“Thank you, Ridge.” She wiped her tears away. “Thank you for bringing him back to me.”

Together, we helped guide Erick to the makeshift medical center that had been established in the town hall. The doctors immediately set to work assessing his injuries and providing treatment.

As I watched Hanna hover over her husband, her eyes filled with love and worry, I worried about what lay in front of them. I hoped Lola would be able to help Erick like she’d helped Zander. I was confident in her abilities, but I worried that William and Giselle would now be aware they no longer had a powerful coven of witches on their side. What else could Giselle start adding to her “cure?” How many more shifters did William have who’d been stripped of their identity and loved ones, ready to use in his vicious vendetta? We had to confront William and put an end to his reign of terror, for the sake of all shifters.

Once Erick was settled in the medical area, his condition stabilized, he looked up at Tori and me with gratitude and fear.

“William sent me,” Erick began slowly, his voice strained and scratchy. “He...he wants to meet with Victoria and Kyle Summers alone before the fight starts. He’s waiting at a gas station down the road from Blackwood Creek. I have to make it clear—he wants them to come alone.”

Tori stiffened beside me, her grip on my hand tightening. She didn’t want to face her so-called father, but I admired her bravery as she asked, “What happens if we refuse?”

“His message said that...that he has my ‘monster son’ hostage. If you don’t talk to him, he’ll kill my boy, and it’ll be your fault.” Erick’s eyes darted between us, his breathing labored. “If anyone else goes with you, he’ll kill my boy. If you don’t show up within an hour, he’ll unleash Giselle on the town.”

“Marcos is alive?” Hanna’s cry of despair wrenched my heart. Camila, who had been brought over to us, held her mom while her loud sobs pierced the silence. Erick looked on at his wife and daughter, his gaze vacant and distant. Curiously, he looked emotionally detached, showing no signs of attachment to his son. It was if he didn’t even remember him.

Camila turned to Tori. “What happened to my dad, Tori? Where is Marcos?”

Tori knelt in front of the girl. “I’m not going to lie to you, Camila—your dad doesn’t remember anyone. He’s ill, but we have a witch who will help him remember. I’ll get your brother back, but you must stay here with your mom and help your dad, okay?”

Tori’s fear and determination to do everything she could for Marcos raced through our connection, setting my own heart racing. I clenched my jaw, anger boiling inside me. How dare William try to manipulate us like this? My instincts screamed for me to protect Tori, but she wouldn’t back down. She was just as committed to saving that shifter child as I was.

“Let me come with you,” I sent through our bond, unable to contain the protective urge coursing through me.“We can face him.”

“Ridge, no,”she said as she turned to look up at me, her eyes pleading with mine.“He’ll kill Marcos if he sees anyone else with us. We can’t risk that.”

My chest tightened at the thought of letting her go without me, but she was right. She wasn’t just my mate—she was a strong, capable alpha who had faced countless dangers before. Ifanyone could stand up to William and come out on top, it was Tori.

Standing up, she took my hand, and we moved into a quiet corner away from the family, though I could feel their eyes on us as we spoke.

“Promise me you’ll be careful,” I rasped. “That you’ll come back to me.”

She met my gaze, shining in her eyes. “I promise, Ridge. I’ll do everything I can to make sure we all come back safe.”

The bitter taste of helplessness burned in my throat as I stared into Tori’s eyes, desperate for a solution that wouldn’t put her in harm’s way. The wind carried the faint scents of gasoline and burning leaves, a cruel reminder of the danger lurking nearby.

Tori stepped closer and molded her body to mine. Her warmth seeped into me, offering a small measure of comfort. “You know you can’t protect me every second of every day.”

“Doesn’t mean I don’t want to.” I tightened my arms around her. I was terrified. The thought of her walking into William’s trap made my blood boil.
