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She rose onto her tiptoes and pressed a deep, lingering kiss to my lips. As our mouths moved together, she sent gentle thoughts through our bond, reminding me of our connection. We might be physically separated, but we were never truly apart.

“Remember, I can communicate with you telepathically.”She continued to kiss me, as she spoke through our bond.“We’ll still be together, even if we’re not side by side.”

Her words were a balm to my frayed nerves, but they couldn’t erase the fear gnawing at me.

Tori pulled back slightly. “As an alpha and the luna of this pack, it’s my responsibility to protect those who need it most, especially this shifter boy caught in the crossfire. I can’t turn my back on him or his family. They’ve already suffered enough.”

“Promise me everything will be okay.” My voice cracked with fear. Fear for the boy, for Kyle, but mostly for my mate.

Tori hesitated, then gave me a small, determined smile. “I promise to do everything in my power to make sure we all come out of this safe, Ridge.” Her fear clung to her like a shroud, but she pushed past it, refusing to let it control her.

I leaned down to kiss her again, the taste of her lips a lifeline in a sea of chaos. “Promise me you’ll come back.”

“Always,” she said against my lips.

Tori pulled away from me, her hand slipping from mine like water through my fingers. Instinct screamed at me to grab her and never let go, but that wouldn’t help anyone. Instead, I forced myself to stand there, watching as she walked away to face her demons.

“Be careful,” I said, the words rough with emotion.

“I will,” she said without turning back, joining Kyle.

As Tori disappeared from view, I clenched my fists by my sides, my responsibility as alpha pressing down on me. I had faith in her strength and resilience, but it didn’t make the waiting any easier. I could only be there for her.

No matter what happened, I was ready to fight by her side until our very last breaths.

Chapter 50


I stared out the window as Kyle drove, watching the familiar scenery of Blackwood Creek blur past. The weight of the distance grew heavier with each passing mile. We were heading straight toward the man who had raised us, the same man I’d spent years running away from. I tried to keep a brave face, but couldn’t help the shudder that ran through me.

“Hey.” Kyle glanced at me. “You’re shaking.”

“I’m fine,” I lied, forcing a smile.

But I wasn’t fooling him. He reached over and squeezed my hand, offering silent support. Despite knowing William wasn’t my real father and knowing about his twisted obsession with hunting wolf shifters, part of me still feared seeing him again. Would I still see the man who had taught me how to ride a bike and tie my shoes? Or would I finally face the reality of who he truly was?

“Whatever happens, Tori, we’ll get through this together.”

Kyle’s simple promise gave me strength, and I gripped my brother’s hand. We drove out of Blackwood Creek, heading towards the gas station for a meeting with a man I hadn’t seen in five years.

The gas station came into view, and my heart skipped a beat. It looked so ordinary, yet the circumstances of our visit were anything but. I spotted several armored vehicles parked at the station. Men and women I’d known during hunter training were sitting inside them, their weapons pointed at our car. No one seemed to give a fuck that humans could drive past at any moment.

We pulled into the parking lot. Adrenaline coursed through my veins, making my heart race. We were going to see William, and I was terrified.

“Hey,” Kyle said, breaking the silence. “I’m scared, too, you know.”

I glanced over at him in surprise. I hadn’t expected him to admit something like that.

“Whatever happens in there—” he gestured with his chin to the building—“we’ll get through it together, all right?”

“Thanks, Kyle.” I struggled to swallow past a lump that had formed in my throat. “Just in case we’re about to die or something, I want you to’re not always an insufferable macho idiot, and I really do love you.”

He rolled his eyes, but I saw the affection behind the gesture. “We’re not going to die, drama queen. But yeah, I love you, too.”

We got out of the car and surveyed the scene. The multitude of armored vehicles parked in front of the gas station served as a foreboding reminder of the danger that lay ahead.

Kyle leaned in closer, ensuring our conversation remained between the two of us. “Apart from the show of force on the road, it looks like everyone’s inside, but this is only a small part of their force. I bet the rest are surrounding Blackwood right now.”
