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“Can you believe it?” Ridge asked, his arm supporting me as we took in the scene around us. “We did it.”

“Thanks to everyone’s efforts,” I said, feeling the deepest pride for my pack and allies.

Jaxon approached, now more suitably dressed and grinning widely, wrapped me in a big hug. “You kicked ass out there, Tori.”

“Thanks, Jaxon.” I laughed breathlessly. “We all did.”

“Hey, have you seen Kyle?” he asked, concern creeping into his voice.

“Over there.” I pointed to the makeshift medical area where Audrey was tending to an unconscious but stable Kyle. “He’ll be okay.”

Jaxon sighed. “Thank God.”

I looked around, taking in the joyful faces of Clawson, Margo, and Diana. Camila’s family were reunited. Lola had worked her magic on Erick, and his wolf had returned. Hanna, Erick, Camila and Gabe sat around the temporary bed on which Marcos lay. The other packs that had moved to Blackwood Creek were howling together in triumph, their voices carrying through the night sky. Even the witches were celebrating. Lola, now recovered from being thrown through the window, looked thrilled to be part of a newly formed coven, Zander not far from her side.

If Jaxon and Diana thought I was missing the tender gazes they gave one another when they thought no one was watching…well, they weren’t as clever as they thought they were. I approved.

William appeared at the edge of the square, looking more dazed and confused than before. I quickly took him to the first aid area, explaining that he’d been hit by a massive memory spell and should only be released into mine or Kyle’s custody.

“Ridge.” I was finding it hard to comprehend the reality of our situation. Even witnessing William in his weakened state hadn’t really made it all hit home. “We won. Blackwood Creek is safe.”

“Damn straight.” His blue eyes locked onto mine. Pulling me close, he pressed a tender kiss to my lips, lingering for a moment, checking whether I was truly okay. Despite our victory, his worry for me was evident.

“Hey.” I brushed my fingers against his cheek. “I’m better than ever, Ridge. The threat that’s been following me for four years is gone, and we’re all safe. Especially you.” I thought of how hard he’d worked to build a safe haven for us, and now it was finally a reality.

“Promise?” he asked, his eyes never leaving mine.

“Promise.” I sealed it with another kiss.

We stood there, wrapped in each other’s arms, as the celebrations continued around us. Together, we had faced the darkness and emerged victorious. Blackwood Creek was our home, and nothing would ever threaten it again.

“Let’s go check on everyone else,” Ridge said, his hand warm and steady against my lower back as we made our way through the crowd.

“Absolutely,” I said. This was just the beginning of our new lives together. Lives where we could finally be free, without fear or shadows lurking behind every corner.

The lingering scent of adrenaline and victory filled the air as the cheers of triumph continued to echo around us. I grinned. We were finally safe and free from the chains of fear that had haunted us for so long.

Ridge’s eyes met mine, a sparkle of relief and happiness within them. He suddenly shifted, his muscular human form giving way to that of a powerful wolf. His silver-gray fur gleamed in the moonlight as he threw back his head and let out a victorious howl, one that reverberated through the very core of my being.

I felt the weight of the world lift off my shoulders. An untamable urge to join my mate, to celebrate our freedom brought my wolf forth. My sleek black coat shimmered in the night. I raised my snout toward the sky, releasing a euphoric howl that mingled with Ridge’s in a harmony of strength and unity.

“Come on, luna,”Ridge’s voice echoed in my head, his tail wagging excitedly as he bounded toward me.“Let’s show our pack what we’ve accomplished.”

My mind buzzed with the exhilaration of our victory. We ran through the town square, our paws thudding against the ground in unison.

As we passed the other wolves of the Northeast Pack, they bared their necks in allegiance to us, their alpha and luna. The sight stirred something powerful within me, sending warmth and pride through me. These wolves were family, and we had fought tooth and nail to protect our home and each other.

Ridge let out a strong, commanding howl as if to say,“Pack member and allies, tonight we celebrate.”The rest of the wolves answered with their own howls, the chorus of voices rising into the night like a triumphant anthem. Those in human form joined us in clapping, cheering, and whistling.

As we stood side by side, our eyes scanning the jubilant crowd before us, I sent a thought to Ridge.“We did it. We’re finally free.”

“We are.”He nuzzled my shoulder affectionately.“We’ll never let anything threaten our pack or our home again.”

“Promise?”I asked playfully.

His blue eyes shone with resolve.“Promise.”

There was a flurry of movement and laughter as the members of our pack gathered around us, their eyes alight with joy and excitement. The energy was contagious, and I joined in as we playfully nipped at each other, sharing in the triumph that had been so hard-won.
