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Where once the statement would have had me running for the hills, now I was so ready to be married. I knew marriage was only symbolic for the humans, and the mating mark meant everything to the shifters. To me, the wedding was about showing and sharing our love for each other with the town. In a way, I supposed the Magpies were right. It really was about the town.

Taking another deep breath, I smoothed down my dress and stepped out of the bathroom. As I descended the grand staircase of Blackwood Manor and looked out the open doors. I marveled at the beauty of our winter wedding. Snowflakes drifted lazily through the air, and twinkling fairy lights adorned the trees in the estate’s backyard.

At the bottom of the stairs, Jaxon, now the mayor of Blackwood Creek, waited for me. Tears welled in his eyes as he looked at me, and he let out a shaky breath. “Tori, I just wanted to say your beauty, strength, and resourcefulness are truly remarkable. It’s been a privilege these last three months getting to know you as my daughter. Heather would undoubtedly be as proud of you as I am. She certainly would approve of the woman you’ve become.” He grinned. “Now let’s not keep Ridge waiting any longer, shall we? Or he’ll be out here looking for you.”

“Thank you, Dad,” I said, beaming at him.

Together, we stepped outside, and he offered me his arm. The music began to play, and we started to walk down the aisle, the winter sun casting a golden glow over the gathered faces.

The moment my foot touched the snow-covered ground, a shiver of anticipation raced through me. The cold air nipped at my cheeks and nose, contrasting sharply with the warmth that radiated from the assembled guests. This wasn’t the small, intimate ceremony I’d imagined, but the love and support of everyone here made it just as special.

I recognized familiar townsfolk as we passed, their smiles wide and genuine. The Magpies—Blackwood Creek’s amateur photography group—snapped photos, capturing each step of my journey toward Ridge. Diana dabbed at her eyes with a handkerchief, while Dean sat with his “aunt and uncle” Fiona and James Ashworth, their son Beck perched on his knee. They both waved enthusiastically. Elliot Elkins sat next to Zander, who had his arm around Lola.

“Everyone’s here for you, Tori,” Jaxon said.

“Guess I’m not the only one excited about this wedding.” My anxiety ebbed away. I was luna, after all. It was only natural that the pack would want to share in our happiness.

My gaze drifted to where William sat, a testament to the changes our town had undergone. With no memory of his past, he’d been given a second chance, a fresh start without the ingrained hatred that had once consumed him. Kyle stood nearby, his expression carefully neutral, though I saw the effort it took for him not to cry. He’d taken William under his wing, and together, they were forging a new path forward.

Audrey had taken her place, standing with Kyle. She and I had become as close as sisters, so it seemed only right that I happened to know there was an engagement announcement coming later this afternoon. Kyle had asked if I minded. I didn’t. I was delighted to share the limelight.

“Ready?” Jaxon asked as we reached the end of the aisle. Ridge’s eyes met mine, their intensity warming me to my core.

“As long as he’s waiting for me,” I whispered back, “I’m ready.”

“Then let’s get you married.” Jaxon winked and placed my hand in Ridge’s.

Jaxon brushed a tender kiss over my cheek, then left to take his seat next to a pale but smiling Lucille.

My world narrowed until there was only Ridge. The snowflakes drifting gently around us, the twinkling fairy lights adorning the trees, and the smiling faces in the crowd all faded away. It was just him, standing there like a dream come true, his eyes locked on mine.

“Are you ready for this?” he asked softly, reaching out to take my hands.

“More than anything,” I replied.

The officiant began speaking, but the words barely registered in my consciousness. All that mattered was the love that pulsed between Ridge and me, the unbreakable bond we shared. In that moment, it truly felt like the whole universe had conspired to bring us together, and we were finally where we belonged.

“Ridge Blackwood, do you take Tori Summers to be your lawfully wedded wife, to have and to hold, for better or worse, for richer or poorer, in sickness and in health, until death do you part?” the officiant asked, his voice pulling me back to the present.

“I do,” Ridge said with a fierceness in his eyes that sent shivers down my spine.

“Tori Summers, do you take Ridge Blackwood to be your lawfully wedded husband, to have and to hold, for better or worse, for richer or poorer, in sickness and in health, until death do you part?”

My heart hammered as I met Ridge’s gaze. “I do.”

“Then, by the power vested in me, I now pronounce you husband and wife. You may kiss the bride.”

Ridge wasted no time in pulling me close, his lips crashing against mine in a searing kiss that set my entire body ablaze. The world around us sprang back into focus, the cheers and applause from our friends and family like a symphony in my ears. Still, all I cared about was Ridge, the weight of his arms around me, and the love that surged between us.

“Hey,”I murmured down the bond.“I love you.”

He kissed me again, soft and sweet this time.“I love you, too, Mrs. Blackwood. More than anything.”

A thrill went through me. I was Mrs. Blackwood now.

As we turned to face our friends and family, hand in hand, I knew our future together would be an incredible adventure. We’d tour Europe on our honeymoon, exploring ancient cities and savoring the local cuisine. Even more importantly, we’d return to Blackwood Creek, the home I never knew I needed until I found it, and to the pack that had embraced me as their luna.

Together, Ridge and I would lead our pack through whatever challenges lay ahead, side by side, united in our love for each other and our dedication to our people. In that moment, standing in the winter wonderland of our wedding day, I couldn’t imagine anything better.
