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How long could they do this? Now that I was seeing it with my own eyes, I no longer doubted the hunters’ abilities. No wonder shifters were being forced from their lands. No wonder so many shifters were missing. I was watching one hunter against one shifter, and the fight was clearly in the hunter’s favor. In reality, it could be one shifter against a group of hunters. Then there really would be no chance.

Though I hadn’t thought it possible, I was even more amazed by my mate and her survival capabilities. She was remarkable.

As the battle continued, it became all too obvious Kyle could predict most of Clawson’s next moves, easily avoiding his more aggressive attacks. Even I, as alpha, couldn’t help the pang of unease as I saw the proof our enemies possessed such intimate knowledge of our kind. Was there anything we could do to protect ourselves against these skilled and relentless hunters? More than learning how to defend ourselves and train?

Kyle never seemed to tire as he maneuvered around the clearing. He managed to evade one last savage lunge from Clawson and quickly took control of the situation, pinning the shifter in a position where a quick snap of the neck would’ve been all too easy. The sight sent a shudder through me, and I could sense the discomfort rippling through the gathered shifters. If Clawson, one of our best fighters, could be bested by a human, what hope did the rest of us have?

“Enough!” I called out, my voice carrying across the clearing as Kyle released Clawson and stepped back. The wolf shifter shook himself off, his eyes burning with annoyance and grudging respect.

The only noise was the heavy breathing of Kyle and Clawson. “Maybe he’s right,” Diana Bogford said, breaking the heavy silence in the wake of the fight. “I’d like to train with Kyle. I never want to be caught unawares again. As one of the shifters who were captured, I want to learn to defend myself.”

Her confession that she’d been one of the captives elicited several gasps.

Margo quickly chimed in, agreeing with Diana, as did several others. Some still looked wary, the words of the Greenthornes still ringing in their ears, causing them to doubt their safety in Blackwood Creek. Some even suggested they might be better off leaving, seeking refuge elsewhere.

“Remember,” I cautioned them, “we’re stronger together. Leaving your pack is dangerous, now more so than ever before.You all have the choice to leave, but other packs have come here for safety they didn’t find elsewhere. We must be on good terms with them, face this growing threat head-on, and unite as wolf shifters. If Kyle trains us, we could be a powerful force. If you leave, you’ll be out there alone. We wouldn’t be able to protect you.”

“Hunters go on regular hunting trips for weeks at a time,” Kyle added. “Their sole purpose is to find lone wolves and stragglers. I want you to be well-informed before you think about leaving.”

For the most part, our words resonated with my pack, though a few still looked unconvinced. I wrapped up the meeting by emphasizing the importance of expanding Blackwood Creek and strengthening our security measures. We deserved to live without fear, without worrying about our loved ones constantly.

“Let’s make an effort to welcome the other shifters who are arriving and build alliances,” I concluded, my gaze sweeping over the crowd.

“About that,” Margo piped up. “I was thinking a Howl would bring the packs together. I’ll organize it, get the word out.”

“Good idea, Margo,” I said, nodding in approval.

As the pack dispersed, I felt the lingering tension from the meeting. There had to be something more I could do to protect my people. Tori seemed to sense my inner turmoil and, to my surprise, pressed her lips to mine right there in the open. She usually avoided public displays of affection, but her kiss held a warmth I desperately needed.

“You already do more than anyone else,” she murmured against my mouth, her eyes soft. “You can’t expect to fix everything yourself.”

My wolf rumbled in agreement, and I let out a breath. She was right, as she usually was, but in a way, this situation was my fault. It stemmed from my family’s deceit. Ihadto fix it.

“Seriously, Ridge,” Tori said, reading my thoughts. “None of this is your fault, and it’s not all on your shoulders. You’re doing an amazing job, alpha. Keep doing it, one day at a time.” She stood on her tiptoes and kissed me again, then leaned back to gaze into my eyes.

How did she know what I was thinking? I liked her knowing what was going on with me. It made me think of what could be.

I smiled at her and kissed her a little more heatedly than I’m sure she would have liked in public. But she didn’t object, so I wasn’t about to stop.

Chapter 7


Relief thrummed through me as the meeting came to an end. When Christie Greenthorne had shouted about Kyle being a hunter in the crowd, fear clogged my throat. Tempers were high, and stress was at a volcanic level. Anybody could’ve lunged at him. Luckily, they had stayed seated, though in my mind, I imagined bared teeth and claws ready to tear him apart. Kyle’s relaxed attitude and Audrey’s address to everybody had been a saving grace.

My hands clenched into fists, nails digging painfully into my palms. I couldn’t believe how callous and evil Audrey’s parents were. To publicly disown her—to disown her at all—was disgusting, and for what? All she’d done was set the record straight. My blood burned, and I wanted to lay into the Greenthornes. I hadn’t known Audrey for long, but in the short time I had, I’d never seen her so shell-shocked and upset. Audrey’s hands shook, and her skin had paled. She was obviously rattled, and I didn’t know how to comfort her.

Looking back, I motioned for Kyle to follow me. “Come on. We need to set up a place for people to train.”

“There’s another clearing behind The Tipsy Tavern that would work as training grounds,” Ridge said. “There’s enoughroom for sparring rings and any equipment you two might want to use.” He lifted one shoulder. “It’s also out of the way enough so the humans won’t spot it.”

Wrapping my arm around Ridge’s waist, I went on tiptoe to kiss his cheek. “Thanks, it sounds perfect.” After a few more kisses, I looked at my brother. “Want to head over there with me so we can check it out?”

Kyle just glanced at us. He was quieter than usual, which was saying a lot.

“See you later,” I said to Ridge, looking up at him and ignoring the little pang that hit me. So silly.

My brother started to head toward town as Ridge came forward and took my lips with his own. He deepened the kiss, pulling me close to him. When he’d taken his fill, he moved quickly and stole three extra pecks. I’d figured now that I’d openly kissed him, he’d take advantage of that breakthrough. And I didn’t mind nearly as much as I’d thought I would.
