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“Let’s get this training started.” I attempted to keep my voice steady as I smacked and rubbed my hands together.

Tori bit her bottom lip to hold back her smile. “I want to test your reflexes, so let’s have a little easy match.”

We sparred at a slow pace at first, but she didn’t pull her punches. She certainly tested my reflexes, which I was only too happy to put on full display for her as we slowly bobbed and weaved in a mesmerizing dance of anticipation.

As she got a feel for my skills, she sped up—a jab from the left, a lightning-fast parry with the right hand, a hook to the body, a swift pivot to evade. I moved like a coiled spring, my reflexes honed to a razor’s edge. Each strike thrown was met with an equally swift defense, a testament to my uncle’s training and my lightning-quick reactions. Tori would move her arm in to punch, and I’d raise my arm to block.

It made me happy to see how much my speed and agility impressed her. After we’d moved and weaved for ten minutes, Tori made a cross with her arms in front of her—the age-old signal to stop.

“Great. Let me just…” Tori came over and started moving my body into certain positions to make my blocks more effective. She started again in slow motion, giving me the attack, and I took her pointers and executed the block.

“Perfect,” she said. “Always start in slow motion. You need to get your body into the right position and then consistently practice it. Once the body gains muscle memory, it makes battling much easier because your body already gets into the flow.”

Since Tori wanted to ensure I understood all the blocks, we worked on them for the next half hour. As she slowly increased the speed of her attacks, my body blocked them a lot easier on its own. I figured out quickly what she meant when she talked about muscle memory. As soon as we started going too fast, my body didn’t react fast enough, but that would change once I spent more time practicing.

“Okay. Let’s go on to the offensive moves.” Tori slowly demonstrated a move and got technical about why it worked. Once she showed the move to me a few times, she came over and moved my body into the same positions, having me do them slowly a few times before moving on to a few others. Then, we went through a few more.

Tori’s patience and technical knowledge awed me. There wasn’t a lot this woman couldn’t do, and she never ceased to amaze me with all her different abilities.

Tori started having me attack her with the new moves she’d taught me, and she used the defensive moves she’d demonstrated so I had a context for the whole scenario. I found it way more fun than I’d anticipated and wanted to get more in-depth as we sparred. I wanted to do it right, because although I was enjoying the practice, this wasn’tforfun or foreplay…even though that was definitely something we’d have to explore as soon as we were completely alone. For now, this was to make sure I had the skills to fight against a hunter and win.

Once I had the defense and offense of several of the moves down, Tori said, “You’re a fast learner. Now, with what I showed you, I’m going to counter them with what a hunter will do to take you down. Hunters are trained to take a wolf out without getting put in dangerous positions. They will focus on a shifter’s weakest points, like joints, tendons, and pressure points. They also know how to exploit a wolf’s instinct to protect its mate and pack. If they can make you believe your mate or pack is in danger, they can manipulate you into making mistakes. The moves I showed you are to counterbalance your weak points, but you have to fight the urge to listen to your instinct. Battle the hunter, take them out, andthencheck on your mate and pack. It will be the hardest thing to fight against, but it’s the most important thing to keep you from getting distracted.”

As she spoke, she demonstrated each technique on me again, showing me where a hunter would strike and how to counter each attack. Her knowledge was invaluable, and while I listened carefully to her warnings about my instincts being used against me, every touch sent a jolt straight to my cock, stirring the beast within. Shaking my head several times, I refocused on Tori.

Tori stepped back several steps and demonstrated the moves, looking like she was battling a hunter. She was graceful, moving in a battle dance. Although I hated the idea of her having to fight, I couldn’t deny that watching her flawless, graceful moves was a genuine pleasure.

My wolf agreed, and he wanted to puff out his chest, proud to have such a strong mate. Then he grumbled again about letting us claim her and be done with it.

When Tori finished, we went through the steps in slow motion once more, and she positioned my body where it needed to be. Her pointers enabled me to pick up on her techniques quickly.

Leaning against my chest, Tori rose on her tiptoes to give me a sweet kiss that had my wolf growling. “Are you ready to put it all together and spar with me?”

“Hmmm.” I leaned down and kissed her. “I think so.”

Without warning, Tori pushed off my chest, throwing me off balance, and then attacked. I raised my arm to block her, got my feet underneath me, and used everything she’d taught me. It was not at all fast or anything like what she had done with her brother, but our sparring session evolved into a faster, proper fight, giving both of us a good workout.

Sweat dripped from my skin, and my muscles ached from misuse. I needed to up my routine; running and weight-lifting wouldn’t cut it anymore. I would have to add in these sparring sessions to practice all the movements Tori had taught me.

Tori kicked my ass, but I liked to think I made her work for it. That’s what I told myself, at least.

By the end, we both had to catch our breath. “That was great,” she said, huffing.

I grunted. “Nothing like you and Kyle, but hopefully I’ll get there one day. I’d love to do a true sparring session with you.”

Tori practically glowed. “You’re on.” She wiped the sweat off her forehead with her forearm. “Let’s try a different drill. This one will test both our strength and agility.”

“Bring it on,” I said.

Once Tori shook out her shoulders and cracked her neck, she approached me and demonstrated some wrestling moves and close-contact maneuvers. Like before, she put me through the paces first, then sped it up.

“Ready?” she asked once she thought I could do it all at once.

“Yeah.” My excitement built as we began to grapple and wrestle again.

At first, it was just another training exercise, but as our bodies rubbed against each other, the heat between us became undeniable. My wolf kept challenging me to cop a feel. To him, this was just a playfight with his fated mate, which made it hard for him to hold back.

“Ridge,” Tori whined, her breath hot against my neck as my body engulfed hers and my erection dug into her back. She swiveled her hips, grinding her ass against me.
